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Carriage returns in MyData

Hi there,

I has been using the grid for some time now, and I am still wandering how to fill the myData array when the data comes from my database, AND when it has carriage returns...

A multiline cell can not be passed to the array cause JS won't support a string opened in one line, and closed a few lines later.

So I thought I could escape special characters, but then the final user will see the extra chars, and I will still have to apply another conversion when data is posted from the grid to the database...

So the reason why I am writing this post, is that I'd like to know how some of us managed this issue!!!
So don't hesitate if you encountered this !
Thursday, January 5, 2006
All I do is escape() the string going into the web page and unescape() it going back to the database.
Jim Hunter
Saturday, January 7, 2006

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