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Paging Tips

I've developed a data base display tool using the ActiveWidgets Grid. The tool displays a page of data at a time from a MySQL DB and also allows for searching for a string in any cell on the displayed page. It also sets the width of the columns and impements context menus on the header or row selectors. I had a number of issues because of things that I was doing each time I displayed a new page. All the issues went away when I made the attached function execute only once. It took several days to find out the solution to these problems so I am listing the function here to help the user community.

var init_aw_grid = false;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// initialize the grid
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function init_grid() {
if (!init_aw_grid){
obj.setId("myGrid"); // necessary for CSS rules

obj.setSelectorWidth(26); // wide enough to show 999

obj.onHeaderMouseOver = function(event, index) {
//window.status = "Header " + index + " mouse over";
onGrid = true;
actionColumn = index;
document.oncontextmenu = ItemSelMenu;

obj.onCellMouseOver = function(event, column, row) {
//window.status = "Cell " + column + "." + row + " mouse over";
onGrid = false;

obj.onCellDoubleClicked = function(event, column, row) {
//window.status = "Cell " + column + "." + row + " double clicked"

obj.onCellClicked = function(event, column, row) {
//window.status = "Cell " + column + "." + row + " mouse clicked";
var cellvalue = obj.getCellValue(column, row);
document.getElementById('tbFindText').value = cellvalue; // put contents of cell into find textfield

// Set Simple Filter values
document.getElementById('simpValue').value = cellvalue; // put contents of cell into simple filter textfield

// turn on find and find all toolbar buttons
lastrFoundIndex = row; // reset row for find function
lastcFoundIndex = column; // reset column for find function

obj.onSelectorMouseOver = function(event, index) {
//window.status = "Selector " + index + " mouse over";
onGrid = true;
document.oncontextmenu = RowSelMenu;
actionRow = index;

obj.onHeaderClicked = function(event,index) {
return 'disabled';

// assign grid event handler
obj.onHeaderContextMenu = function(event, col) {
//alert("context menu event - col:" + col);
actionColumn = col;
eventColumn = event;
mouseGridSelect(event, col);

obj.defineCellProperty("color", false);
   obj.getCellTemplate().setStyle("background", function(){
        return this.getCellProperty("color") ? "red" : "white";

// assign html event handler to header template
obj.getHeaderTemplate().setEvent("oncontextmenu", oncontextmenu);

// Set the column widths
var stylesheet = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length-1];
for (var i=0; i < myWidths.length; i++) {
stylesheet.addRule("#myGrid .aw-column-"+i, "width:"+myWidths[i]+"px");

init_aw_grid = true;
Thursday, April 13, 2006

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