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PHP Class that creates javascriptcode to build a awGrid

Hello Guys,

right now i'am dealing with the grid component of aw to check i can integrate this one into one of my projects. during my work with the evaluation version i wrote a php class that generates the javascriptcode to build those fantastic grids.

well, is anybody interested in this class? if anybody is, i will document that stuff on my website.

here is a litte code thats shows how to build grid with awGrid an my PHP Class

$headline = array("Name","Adress","Company","Zipcode");
$grid = new awGrid("MyCells","MyHeaders","grid1");
$singlerow = array("Mr. Test","Test Ave. 123","Test Inc.","123456");
echo $grid->awGridCreate();

greetings from germany

memory imrpint
Thursday, June 22, 2006
yes, i'm very interested in this class.
i would like to use the aw grid and php together.

greetings from austria

Monday, June 26, 2006
hi mono,

i'am not finished to put this stuff on my website. send me an email to mk@aQtive.de and i will tell you when my stuff is published online.

best regards
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
some additional important info:

this class only works with php 5.0.0 and higher.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
I think this would be worth a spin for anything using basic functionality.
might be a problem when dealing with more complex grids that require functions onload.
perhaps it will be easy enough to just add subclasses where extending is needed.

can't wait to see it.
Thursday, June 29, 2006

you are right. this class only fullfilled basic tasks like creating the grid, inserting data, setting headlines and so on.

in the future i will integrate more functions. but this needs a little more time because i'm not experienced with javascript so much.

but first step is to document my work and publish it online :)
Friday, June 30, 2006
I too am very interested, did you manage to publish it yet ?
Friday, July 21, 2006

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