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Editing Date Columns


Has anyone tried editing the Date formatted cells?

We have a table with editable column formatted with AW.Formats.Date. The column is populated by XML data from server.

Editing the column with Date seems painful. One has to select two chars a time and change the value. I cant change the year value '1995' to '2006' easily. I have to select '19' first change to '20' and then select '95' and change to '06'.

The Date validation is being done as the user is typing in the values, rather than on cellValidation event. Is there a way to change the default behaviour, so that the user can type in any value and then validate when he is finished editing.

var dateFormat = new AW.Formats.Date;
var formatArray = [strFormat, numFormat, strFormat, dateFormat];

Raj Nair
Monday, August 21, 2006
any input?

I was able to workaround it using Stirng format and by writing a regular expression for parsing the date string. But the proper solution would be really appreciated.


Raj Nair
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
What you have described is NOT the default behavior. It might be that you added some event handlers which trigger this problem.
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Thursday, August 24, 2006

This topic is archived.

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