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Changing the color of the row select

The problem: I have two links in a cell in every row that are blue, and when the row is selected, are not viewable. I tried to find the colors in the .css and in the .js files but was not successful. I also didn't notice any other topics here on it.

I could solve this problem by either: figuring out how to change the colors of the links when the row is selected to contrast against the darker background.

Figure out how to change the selection color to something lighter, like a soft yellow, as well as having the text color in the selected row not change to white, but stay black, when selected.

Can someone tell me how to do one of these?

Thanks a lot.
Monday, August 30, 2004
Never mind, I found the place, at least in the XP style.

In xp/_grid.css:

.active-selection-true, .active-selection-true .active-row-cell {
color: highlighttext!important;
background-color: highlight!important;
Wednesday, September 1, 2004

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