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Displaying a Password field in a grid

Based on other messages in the forum, I used the following lines of code:
var pas = new AW.UI.Input;
pas.getContent("box/text").setAttribute("type", "password");

In spite of this, the password is displayed as is e.g. ABC rather than ***.

Can you tell me why this happens? I do not get any errors, just getting a display that I did not expect for this kind of field.

Thursday, November 20, 2008
After the above lines of code, I have:

var num_rows = obj.getRowCount();
pas.onCellDataChanged = function(value){
for (i=0; i<num_rows; i++){

I hoped that these lines would set the password value in each row of the grid. But is the usage of onCellDataChanged correct and will it ever be fired the first time the grid is populated?
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Not sure if the following post is helpful, but check out http://www.activewidgets.com/javascript.forum.16359.7/input-text-and-input-password.html
I'm not sure if the problem still persists in the latest versions.
But you can try it out to see if it fixes your problem.

Ankur Motreja
Friday, November 21, 2008

This topic is archived.

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