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No scrollbars in firefox / mozilla

Can't seem to get the scollbars to show up in moz, Is this a know issue? Is there any way other than using an iframe that will work for this?
Thursday, October 21, 2004
Are you using the correct DOCTYPE? I noticed that I didn't get scrollbars unless I used <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">.
Thursday, October 21, 2004
I've added the DOCTYPE-line, but still no scrollbars. Any more hints? I'm need to support both IE and Mozilla/FireFox in my project.
Thomas Weholt
Monday, November 1, 2004

Can you plz post the code? You must be doing some non-grid mistake as grid is working fine for us.
Sudhaker Raj
Tuesday, November 2, 2004
Firefox version:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/1.0

My scrollbars show up, but they don't track the mouse initiated scrolling of the grid.

i.e., I can scroll up/down with the mouse scroller, but the scrollbar position stays at the top.

Also, I can use the scrollbar with the mouse pointer.

Friday, January 28, 2005
what's up party people in the world
your mom
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
I was having the same problem with my scrollbars not showing up in Firefox/1.0.4. It seems that in Firefox the DOCTYPE tag needs to be XHTML compliant without the "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd" or http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd" URL. So, for the scrollbars to show up the DOCTYPE tag should read:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" />


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" />

Let me know if this works for you.
Thursday, July 7, 2005
I've tried all the above DOCTYPE tags, but my scroll bars still don't work. We are also having to support both Firefox 1.0.4 on Linux and IE and Firefox on Windows. I can paste the code from the page to see if its possible for someone to diagnose the problem. There are also some .js files and some include asp files that run on this page, but I won't include them unless asked for.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<link rel=stylesheet href="styles/dialog.css" type="text/css">
<script language="Javascript" src="scripts/utilities.js"></script>
<script language="Javascript" src="scripts/syncscroll.js"></script>
<script language="Javascript" src="scripts/userPg.js"></script>
<!--#include file="include/database.asp"-->
<!--#include file="include/userPkg.asp"-->
<% userid = SessionTimeout() %>
DIM grps

SessionID = CStr(SESSION("sessionid"))
params = GetParams()

'grps = Split(GetVal("groups", ""), ",", -1, 1)
sortby = GetVal("sortby", 2)
selid = GetVal("selid", -1)
selitem = GetVal("selitem", -1)
numitems = GetVal("numitems", -1)
state = GetVal("state", "NJ")
action = GetVal("action", "")
tab = GetVal("tab", "User")

Select Case action
case "New" CALL SetServerInfo()
CALL AddUser(selid,UserPos)
case "Update" CALL SetServerInfo()
CALL UpdateUser()
case "Delete" CALL SetServerInfo()
CALL DeleteUser()
case "Select"
CALL UserGroups(selid, grouplist)
'response.write ("This is groupList:" & groupList & ":")
IF Not (IsEmpty(grouplist) or grouplist <> "") Then
grps = Split(grouplist, ",", -1, 1)
End IF
End Select
body { overflow: hidden; margin: 0 }
<body bgcolor="#D6CFBD" onload="OnLoadPage();" onresize="resize();" leftmargin=0 topmargin=0>
<form action="userPg.asp" method="post" target="_self" style="margin: 0px;">
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
Set cn = GetDBConnection()
Set SQLStmt1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set RS1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
SQLStmt1.CommandText = "SELECT count(*) AS numitems FROM USERS "
SQLStmt1.CommandType = 1
Set SQLStmt1.ActiveConnection = cn
RS1.Open SQLStmt1
<div class="scrollTable" id="testScrollTable" style="height: 200; width: 908;">
<span class="scrollTableHead">
<table cellspacing="0" frame="border">
<td id="col2" onClick="SortbyClick(this);" title="Sort by: Username" align="left" valign="middle" class="heading" width="150" nowrap >
&nbsp;Username<img src="images/space.gif" width="15" height="1">
<% IF sortby = 2 THEN %>
<img src="images/dwtic.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% ELSEIF sortby = -2 THEN %>
<img src="images/uptic.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% ELSE %>
<img src="images/space.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% END IF %>
<td id="col3" onClick="SortbyClick(this);" title="Sort by: Last Name" align="left" valign="middle" class="heading" width="150" nowrap>
&nbsp;Last Name<img src="images/space.gif" width="15" height="1">
<% IF sortby = 3 THEN %>
<img src="images/dwtic.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% ELSEIF sortby = -3 THEN %>
<img src="images/uptic.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% ELSE %>
<img src="images/space.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% END IF %>
<td id="col4" align="left" valign="middle" class="heading" width="150" nowrap>
&nbsp;First Name<img src="images/space.gif" width="15" height="1">
<td id="col5" onClick="SortbyClick(this);" title="Sort by: Title" align="left" valign="middle" class="heading" width="100" nowrap>
&nbsp;Title<img src="images/space.gif" width="15" height="1">
<% IF sortby = 5 THEN %>
<img src="images/dwtic.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% ELSEIF sortby = -5 THEN %>
<img src="images/uptic.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% ELSE %>
<img src="images/space.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% END IF %>
<td id="col6" onClick="SortbyClick(this);" title="Sort by: Address" align="left" valign="middle" class="heading" width="200" nowrap>
&nbsp;Address<img src="images/space.gif" width="15" height="1">
<% IF sortby = 6 THEN %>
<img src="images/dwtic.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% ELSEIF sortby = -6 THEN %>
<img src="images/uptic.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% ELSE %>
<img src="images/space.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% END IF %>
<td id="col7" onClick="SortbyClick(this);" title="Sort by: City" align="left" valign="middle" class="heading" width="75" nowrap>
&nbsp;City<img src="images/space.gif" width="15" height="1">
<% IF sortby = 7 THEN %>
<img src="images/dwtic.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% ELSEIF sortby = -7 THEN %>
<img src="images/uptic.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% ELSE %>
<img src="images/space.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% END IF %>
<td id="col8" onClick="SortbyClick(this);" title="Sort by: State" align="left" valign="middle" class="heading" width="75" nowrap>
&nbsp;State<img src="images/space.gif" width="15" height="1">
<% IF sortby = 8 THEN %>
<img src="images/dwtic.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% ELSEIF sortby = -8 THEN %>
<img src="images/uptic.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% ELSE %>
<img src="images/space.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% END IF %>
<td id="col9" onClick="SortbyClick(this);" title="Sort by: Zip" align="left" valign="middle" class="heading" width="75" nowrap>
&nbsp;Zip<img src="images/space.gif" width="15" height="1">
<% IF sortby = 9 THEN %>
<img src="images/dwtic.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% ELSEIF sortby = -9 THEN %>
<img src="images/uptic.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% ELSE %>
<img src="images/space.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% END IF %>
<td id="col10" onClick="SortbyClick(this);" title="Sort by: Phone" align="left" valign="middle" class="heading" width="100" nowrap>
&nbsp;Phone #<img src="images/space.gif" width="15" height="1">
<% IF sortby = 10 THEN %>
<img src="images/dwtic.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% ELSEIF sortby = -10 THEN %>
<img src="images/uptic.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% ELSE %>
<img src="images/space.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% END IF %>
<td id="col11" onClick="SortbyClick(this);" title="Sort by: FAX" align="left" valign="middle" class="heading" width="100" nowrap>
&nbsp;Fax<img src="images/space.gif" width="15" height="1">
<% IF sortby = 11 THEN %>
<img src="images/dwtic.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% ELSEIF sortby = -11 THEN %>
<img src="images/uptic.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% ELSE %>
<img src="images/space.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% END IF %>
<td id="col12" onClick="SortbyClick(this);" title="Sort by: Mobile" align="left" valign="middle" class="heading" width="100" nowrap>
&nbsp;Mobile<img src="images/space.gif" width="15" height="1">
<% IF sortby = 12 THEN %>
<img src="images/dwtic.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% ELSEIF sortby = -12 THEN %>
<img src="images/uptic.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% ELSE %>
<img src="images/space.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% END IF %>
<td id="col13" onClick="SortbyClick(this);" title="Sort by: Pager" align="left" valign="middle" class="heading" width="100" nowrap>
&nbsp;Pager<img src="images/space.gif" width="15" height="1">
<% IF sortby = 13 THEN %>
<img src="images/dwtic.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% ELSEIF sortby = -13 THEN %>
<img src="images/uptic.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% ELSE %>
<img src="images/space.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% END IF %>
<td id="col14" onClick="SortbyClick(this);" title="Sort by: Email" align="left" valign="middle" class="heading" width="100" style="border-right: 0;" nowrap>
&nbsp;Email<img src="images/space.gif" width="15" height="1">
<% IF sortby = 14 THEN %>
<img src="images/dwtic.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% ELSEIF sortby = -14 THEN %>
<img src="images/uptic.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% ELSE %>
<img src="images/space.gif" width="10" height="8" border="0" align="bottom" alt="">
<% END IF %>
<td width="100%" style="border-left: 0;"><nobr>&nbsp;</nobr></td>
<span id="sTable" class="scrollTableBody">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="border-collapse: collapse;">
Set cn = GetDBConnection()

Set SQLStmt = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
SQLStmt.CommandText = "SELECT user_id, username, password, lname, fname, mi, suffix, title," & _
" phone, fax, mobile, pager, email, address1, address2, " & _
" city, state, zip FROM USERS "
Select Case sortby
case 1 SQLStmt.CommandText = SQLStmt.CommandText & "ORDER BY USER_ID ASC"
case -1 SQLStmt.CommandText = SQLStmt.CommandText & "ORDER BY USER_ID DESC"
case 2 SQLStmt.CommandText = SQLStmt.CommandText & "ORDER BY UPPER(username) ASC"
case -2 SQLStmt.CommandText = SQLStmt.CommandText & "ORDER BY UPPER(username) DESC"
case 3 SQLStmt.CommandText = SQLStmt.CommandText & "ORDER BY UPPER(lname) ASC, UPPER(fname) ASC"
case -3 SQLStmt.CommandText = SQLStmt.CommandText & "ORDER BY UPPER(lname) DESC, UPPER(fname) DESC"
case 5 SQLStmt.CommandText = SQLStmt.CommandText & "ORDER BY UPPER(title) ASC"
case -5 SQLStmt.CommandText = SQLStmt.CommandText & "ORDER BY UPPER(title) DESC"
case 6 SQLStmt.CommandText = SQLStmt.CommandText & "ORDER BY UPPER(address1) ASC"
case -6 SQLStmt.CommandText = SQLStmt.CommandText & "ORDER BY UPPER(address1) DESC"
case 7 SQLStmt.CommandText = SQLStmt.CommandText & "ORDER BY UPPER(city) ASC"
case -7 SQLStmt.CommandText = SQLStmt.CommandText & "ORDER BY UPPER(city) DESC"
case 8 SQLStmt.CommandText = SQLStmt.CommandText & "ORDER BY UPPER(state) ASC"
case -8 SQLStmt.CommandText = SQLStmt.CommandText & "ORDER BY UPPER(state) DESC"
case 9 SQLStmt.CommandText = SQLStmt.CommandText & "ORDER BY UPPER(zip) ASC"
case -9 SQLStmt.CommandText = SQLStmt.CommandText & "ORDER BY UPPER(zip) DESC"
case 10 SQLStmt.CommandText = SQLStmt.CommandText & "ORDER BY UPPER(phone) ASC"
case -10 SQLStmt.CommandText = SQLStmt.CommandText & "ORDER BY UPPER(phone) DESC"
case 11 SQLStmt.CommandText = SQLStmt.CommandText & "ORDER BY UPPER(fax) ASC"
case -11 SQLStmt.CommandText = SQLStmt.CommandText & "ORDER BY UPPER(fax) DESC"
case 12 SQLStmt.CommandText = SQLStmt.CommandText & "ORDER BY UPPER(mobile) ASC"
case -12 SQLStmt.CommandText = SQLStmt.CommandText & "ORDER BY UPPER(mobile) DESC"
case 13 SQLStmt.CommandText = SQLStmt.CommandText & "ORDER BY UPPER(pager) ASC"
case -13 SQLStmt.CommandText = SQLStmt.CommandText & "ORDER BY UPPER(pager) DESC"
case 14 SQLStmt.CommandText = SQLStmt.CommandText & "ORDER BY UPPER(email) ASC"
case -14 SQLStmt.CommandText = SQLStmt.CommandText & "ORDER BY UPPER(email) DESC"
End Select
SQLStmt.CommandType = 1
Set SQLStmt.ActiveConnection = cn
RS.Open SQLStmt

count = 0
Do While Not RS.EOF
IF selid = CInt(RS("user_id")) OR selid = -1 THEN
selid = CInt(RS("user_id"))
pos = count
selusername = RS("username")
selpassword = RS("password")
sellname = RS("lname")
selfname = RS("fname")
selmi = RS("mi")
selsuffix = RS("suffix")
seltitle = RS("title")
selphone = RS("phone")
selfax = RS("fax")
selmobile = RS("mobile")
selpager = RS("pager")
selemail = RS("email")
seladdress1 = RS("address1")
seladdress2 = RS("address2")
selcity = RS("city")
selstate = RS("state")
selzip = RS("zip")
CALL UserGroups(selid, grouplist)
'response.write ("This is groupList:" & groupList & ":")
IF Not (IsEmpty(grouplist) or grouplist <> "") Then
grps = Split(grouplist, ",", -1, 1)
End IF
<tr ID="trItem[<%=count%>]" height="20" <% IF CInt(selid) = CInt(RS("user_id")) THEN %> class="selitem"<% ELSE %>class="item"<% END IF %> onClick="ItemClick(this);">
<input type="hidden" name="user[<%=count%>]" value="<%=RS("user_id")%>">
<td class="frowdata" width="150" nowrap>&nbsp;<%=RS("username")%></td>
<td class="rowdata" width="150" nowrap>&nbsp;<%=RS("lname")%></td>
<td class="rowdata" width="150" nowrap>&nbsp;<%=RS("fname")%></td>
<td class="rowdata" width="100" nowrap>&nbsp;<%=RS("title")%></td>
<td class="rowdata" width="200" nowrap>&nbsp;<%=RS("address1")%>&nbsp;&nbsp;<%=RS("address2")%></td>
<td class="rowdata" width="75" nowrap>&nbsp;<%=RS("city")%></td>
<td class="rowdata" width="75" nowrap>&nbsp;<%=RS("state")%></td>
<td class="rowdata" width="75" nowrap>&nbsp;<%=RS("zip")%></td>
<td class="rowdata" width="100" nowrap>&nbsp;<%=RS("phone")%></td>
<td class="rowdata" width="100" nowrap>&nbsp;<%=RS("fax")%></td>
<td class="rowdata" width="100" nowrap>&nbsp;<%=RS("mobile")%></td>
<td class="rowdata" width="100" nowrap>&nbsp;<%=RS("pager")%></td>
<td class="lrowdata" width="100" nowrap>&nbsp;<%=RS("email")%></td>
<td class="ritem" width="100%" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>
count = count + 1
FOR row = count to 7 %>
<tr class="item" height="20">
<td class="frowdata" width="150" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="rowdata" width="150" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="rowdata" width="150" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="rowdata" width="100" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="rowdata" width="200" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="rowdata" width="75" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="rowdata" width="75" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="rowdata" width="75" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="rowdata" width="100" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="rowdata" width="100" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="rowdata" width="100" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="rowdata" width="100" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="lrowdata" width="100"nowrap>&nbsp;</td>
<td class="ritem" width="100%" nowrap>&nbsp;</td>
<% NEXT %>

<% tab = "User" %>

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<tr><td HEIGHT=4></td></tr>
<td width="4" rowspan="2"><img src="images/space.gif" width="4" height="1"></td>
<td width="100%">
<table width="100%" cellpadding=0 cellspacing="0">
<td id="tdUser" class=<%if tab = "User" then%>"dlgseltab"<%else%>"dlgtab"<% end if%>
onClick="TabClick(this);" TITLE="User" HEIGHT="20" WIDTH="100" ALIGN="CENTER" VALIGN="TOP" nowrap>
&nbsp;User Info&nbsp;
<td id="tdContact" class=<%if tab = "Contact" then%>"dlgseltab"<%else%>"dlgtab"<% end if%>
onClick="TabClick(this);" TITLE="Contact" HEIGHT="20" WIDTH="100" ALIGN="CENTER" VALIGN="TOP" nowrap>
&nbsp;Contact Info&nbsp;
<td class="hiddentab" HEIGHT="14" width="100%"><img src="images/space.gif" width="544" height="1"></td>

<td width="100%">
<div id="User" style="display: width: 100%;">
<table border="0" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="0" class="box" width="100%" height=230>
<tr><td height="8"><img src="images/space.gif" width="1" height"8"></td></tr>
<td align="right" height="20" valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<span class="dlgspan">Username:</span>
<td valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<input type="TEXT" name="USERNAME" id="USERNAME" value="<%=selusername%>" style="width: 200;"
tabindex="1" title="Enter the user's Username" size="20">
<td align="right" valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<span class="dlgspan">Groups:</span>
<td valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<select name="GROUPS" id="GROUPS" MULTIPLE size="1" style="width: 200;"
tabindex="2" title="Select the user's Group">
SQLStmt.CommandText = "SELECT group_id, group_name FROM GROUPS "
SQLStmt.CommandType = 1
Set SQLStmt.ActiveConnection = cn
RS.Open SQLStmt
Do While Not RS.EOF
<option value="<%=RS("group_id")%>"
IF Not IsEmpty(grps) THEN
IF IsArray(grps) THEN
FOR EACH gid in grps
IF CInt(gid) = CInt(RS("group_id")) THEN
Response.Write " selected"
ELSEIF CInt(grps) = CInt(RS("group_id")) THEN
Response.Write " selected"
<td align="right" valign="middle" colspan="1" nowrap><img src="images/space.gif" width="32" height="1"></td>
<td align="right" height="20" valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<span class="dlgspan">Password:</span>
<td valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<input type="PASSWORD" name="PASSWORD" id="PASSWORD" value="<%=selpassword%>" style="width: 200;"
tabindex="3" title="Enter in the user's Password" size="20">
<td align="right" valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<span class="dlgspan">Confirm Password:</span>
<td valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<input type="PASSWORD" name="CONFIRM_PASSWORD" id="CONFIRM_PASSWORD" value="<%=selpassword%>" style="width: 200;"
tabindex="4" title="Enter in the user's Confirm Password" size="20">
<td align="right" valign="middle" colspan="1" nowrap><img src="images/space.gif" width="32" height="1"></td>
<td align="right" height="20" valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<span class="dlgspan">Last Name:</span>
<td valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<input type="TEXT" name="LNAME" id="LAST_NAME" value="<%=sellname%>" style="width: 200;"
tabindex="5" title="Enter in the user's Last Name" size="20">
<td align="right" valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<span class="dlgspan">First Name:</span>
<td valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<input type="TEXT" name="FNAME" id="FIRST_NAME" value="<%=selfname%>" style="width: 200;"
tabindex="6" title="Enter in the user's First Name" size="20">
<td align="right" valign="middle" colspan="1" nowrap><img src="images/space.gif" width="32" height="1"></td>
<td align="right" height="20" valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<span class="dlgspan">Middle Initial:</span>
<td valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<input type="TEXT" name="MI" id="MI" value="<%=selmi%>" size="1"
tabindex="7" title="Enter in the user's Middle Initial">
<span class="dlgspan" style="position: relative; top: -2px;">&nbsp;Suffix:&nbsp;</span>
<input type="TEXT" name="SUFFIX" id="SUFFIX" value="<%=selsuffix%>" size="3"
tabindex="8" title="Enter in the user's Suffix">
<td align="right" valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<span class="dlgspan">Title:</span>
<td valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<input type="TEXT" name="TITLE" id="TITLE" value="<%=seltitle%>" size="50" style="width: 200;"
tabindex="9" title="Enter in the user' Title">
<td align="right" valign="middle" colspan="1" nowrap><img src="images/space.gif" width="32" height="1"></td>
<tr><td><img src="images/space.gif" width="6" height="1"></td></tr>

<div id="Contact" style="display: none; width: 100%;">
<table border="0" cellspacing="4" cellpadding="0" class="box" width="100%" height=230>
<tr><td height="8"><img src="images/space.gif" width="1" height"8"></td></tr>
<td align="right" height="20" valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<span class="dlgspan" style="position: relative; top: 2px;">Address:</span>
<td valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<input type="TEXT" name="ADDRESS1" id="ADDRESS1" value="<%=seladdress1%>" style="width: 200;"
tabindex="10" title="Enter the user's Address (1)" size="20">
<td align="right" valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<span class="dlgspan">City:</span>
<td valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<input type="TEXT" name="CITY" id="CITY" value="<%=selcity%>" style="width: 200;"
tabindex="11" title="Enter in the user's City" size="20">
<td align="right" valign="middle" colspan="1" nowrap><img src="images/space.gif" width="32" height="1"></td>

<td align="right" height="20" valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<td valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<input type="TEXT" name="ADDRESS2" id="ADDRESS2" value="<%=seladdress2%>" style="width: 200;"
tabindex="12" title="Enter the user's Address (2)" size="20">
<td align="right" valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<span style="padding: 2px; background: #DED7C6;">State:</span>
<td valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<select name="STATE" id="STATE" size="1" style="width: 50;"
tabindex="13" title="Enter in the user's State">
SQLStmt.CommandText = "SELECT code, stfips, name FROM STATE " & _
SQLStmt.CommandType = 1
Set SQLStmt.ActiveConnection = cn
RS.Open SQLStmt
Do While Not RS.EOF
<option value="<%=RS("code")%>"<% IF state = RS("code") THEN %> selected<% END IF %>><%=RS("code")%>
<span class="dlgspan" style="position: relative; top: -2px;">&nbsp;Zip:&nbsp;</span>
<input type="TEXT" name="ZIP" id="ZIP" value="<%=selzip%>" size="11"
tabindex="14" title="Enter in the user's Zip code">
<td align="right" valign="middle" colspan="1" nowrap><img src="images/space.gif" width="32" height="1"></td>

<td align="right" height="20" valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<span class="dlgspan">Phone:</span>
<td valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<input type="TEXT" name="PHONE" id="PHONE" value="<%=selphone%>" style="width: 200;"
tabindex="15" title="Enter in the user's Phone #" size="20">
<td align="right" valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<span class="dlgspan">Fax:</span>
<td valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<input type="TEXT" name="FAX" id="FAX" value="<%=selfax%>" style="width: 200;"
tabindex="16" title="Enter in the user's Fax #" size="20">
<td align="right" valign="middle" colspan="1" nowrap><img src="images/space.gif" width="32" height="1"></td>

<td align="right" height="20" valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<span class="dlgspan">Mobile:</span>
<td valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<input type="TEXT" name="MOBILE" id="MOBILE" value="<%=selmobile%>" style="width: 200;"
tabindex="17" title="Enter in the user's Mobile Phone #" size="20">
<td align="right" valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<span class="dlgspan">Pager:</span>
<td valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<input type="TEXT" name="PAGER" id="PAGER" value="<%=selpager%>" style="width: 200;"
tabindex="18" title="Enter in the user's Pager Phone #" size="20">
<td align="right" valign="middle" colspan="1" nowrap><img src="images/space.gif" width="32" height="1"></td>

<td align="right" height="20" valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<span class="dlgspan">Email:</span>
<td valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<input type="TEXT" name="EMAIL" id="EMAIL" value="<%=selemail%>" style="width: 200;"
tabindex="19" title="Enter in the user's Email address" size="20">
<td align="right" valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<td valign="top" colspan="1" nowrap>
<td align="right" valign="middle" colspan="1" nowrap><img src="images/space.gif" width="32" height="1"></td>

<tr><td><img src="images/space.gif" width="6" height="1"></td></tr>

<td valign="top">

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td width="16" rowspan="9"><img src="images/space.gif" width="16" height="1"></td>
<tr><td width="100"><img src="images/space.gif" width="100" height="1"></td></tr>
<td align="right" valign="top" colspan="1">
<input class="dlgbutton" type="button" name="new" value="New" onClick="Submit('New');"
tabindex="20" style="width: 100;">
<td width="16"><img src="images/space.gif" width="16" height="1"></td>
<tr><td width="100"><img src="images/space.gif" width="100" height="1"></td></tr>
<td align="right" valign="top" colspan="1">
<input class="dlgbutton" type="button" name="update" value="Update" onClick="Submit('Update');"
tabindex="21" style="width: 100;" <% if CInt(selid) < 0 then %>disabled<% end if %>>
<tr><td width="100"><img src="images/space.gif" width="100" height="1"></td></tr>
<td align="right" valign="top" colspan="1">
<input class="dlgbutton" type="button" name="delete" value="Delete" onClick="ConfirmDelete();"
tabindex="22" style="width: 100;" <% if CInt(selid) < 0 then %>disabled<% end if %>></td>
<tr><td width="100"><img src="images/space.gif" width="100" height="1"></td></tr>
<td align="right" valign="top" colspan="1" >
<input class="dlgbutton" type="reset" name="reset" value="Reset"
tabindex="23" style="width: 100;"></td>


<input type="HIDDEN" id="tab" name="tab" value="<%=tab%>">
<input type="HIDDEN" id="selid" name="selid" value="<%=selid%>">
<input type="HIDDEN" id="selitem" name="selitem" value="<%=selitem%>">
<input type="HIDDEN" id="numitems" name="numitems" value="<%=RS1("numitems")%>">
<input type="HIDDEN" id="newid" name="newid" value="<%=id%>">
<input type="HIDDEN" id="newposition" name="newposition" value="<%=pos%>">
<input type="HIDDEN" id="action" name="action" value="<%=action%>">
<input TYPE="HIDDEN" id="sortby" name="sortby" value="<%=sortby%>">


Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Well, I solved my own problem after I searched on the web a little more. I used this tag, overflow: auto, inside my div statement for the scroll table. it creates the horizontal scrollbar, just like in IE.

<div class="scrollTable" id="testScrollTable" style="overflow: auto; height: 200; width: 908;">

Now to figure out how to shut off or remove temporarily on my site the firefox vertical scrollbar that is covering my vert. scrollbar in the app. The vertical scrollbar doesn't show in IE, but does in FF.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005

This topic is archived.

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