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ActiveWidgets 2.6 released

ActiveWidgets 2.6 released today. This version adds initial support for iPad/iPhone (iOS 5+) and also a simple data source class for JSON data format.

Download free trial:



Fixed bugs:

I will be sending the download links over email to anyone who purchased the license or renewed the upgrade subscription on or after January 2, 2011. If you don't receive the link in the next 48 hours please send email to sales@activewidgets.com

To install the upgrade just replace the ActiveWidgets /runtime folder in your application with the new version.
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Monday, January 2, 2012
SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for all the work Alex.

^^^^ my feeble activewidgets exploration in progress/baby steps
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Thanks Alex.

I've upgraded my apps to v2.6 and have been doing some testing. The iPad support is wonderful. My apps now work in iPad, without me needing to change any code. Fantastic, and very exciting!

Thursday, January 5, 2012
I will not have the time to test this for a few weeks but am very excited to see mobile device support added to your great product.

Erik Dobrie
Friday, January 6, 2012
Hi Alex,

Just checking if there is a way to mutli-select in a grid on the iPad with touch, like you would do with Shift-click or Ctrl-click on a normal keyboard.

Friday, January 13, 2012
Hi Alex,

i have a problem with active widgets key board shortcuts, in the grid for a particular column i could able to place combo box and its working fine. But the same thing i could not able to do with key board shortcuts to select combox box by enter key and selecting elements in the list with arrow keys, if i press arrow key in the combo column, it is going to next column even after selecting combo list.

Plz help me out.

With Regards,
Monday, April 2, 2012
sorting icon position and button in ipad , sorting icon not present in header ,Scroller is not working in active widget grid Tree in ipad safari.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

This topic is archived.

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