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Automatically scroll a preselected row into view [JSArray model]

Say we have a grid - 100 rows total, 20 visible.

Has anyone figured out how to make a pre-selected row (i.e. row 55) scroll into the initial visible area of 20 rows?

At this point, I don't care if it is the first, last, or whatever, I just need the grid to display the row selected.

I can already programmatically select the row, I just can seem to find the right code to 'autoscroll' it into view when the page loads.

Thanks in advance,

Wednesday, January 26, 2005
need to implement an onload() function in the <BODY> tag, i.e.

<BODY onLoad="LoadGrid()">

That function is then called when the page is finished loading. You can set your grid to the row you like then.
Adrien de Croy
Monday, July 4, 2005
Any other ideas?

In my particular case, I can't load anything into the body. Just calling setSelectedIndex() after the grid is drawn just causes rapid page refreshes...I'm not sure why
Thursday, July 28, 2005

This topic is archived.

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