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How to turn off orange underline for column header?

I have turned of sorting following the example of thread /javascript.forum.1470.12/disable-sort-feature.html.

I then wanted to turn off the orange underline for the column header which does not make sense in my eyes if there is no sorting. I found the following thread: /javascript.forum.398.4/tweek-the-column-header-row.html But if I follow the advise and for example just for testing use a bottom border color of green, I now see two colors, still the orange and above the green line.

There must be some other style I need to overwrite, but I cannot spot it. Any idea which one?

Thanks in advance.
Saturday, March 19, 2005
I am still not able to turn of the orange underline in the xp style. Has someone an idea how to accomplish that?
Friday, March 25, 2005
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Friday, March 25, 2005
A possible solution could be here (?)
Friday, March 25, 2005
Find and comment out these 2 lines in grid.css:

.active-header-over .active-box-item{border-color:#f9a900;background:#faf9f4;}

This will remove the orange "lines" (actually borders)
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Does anyone know how to only change the color of the bottom border not the top/sides?

David D.
Monday, April 18, 2005
you can change any of the border parts by using the following nomenclature:

border-bottom-color : red;
border-top-color : green;
border-left-color : yellow;
border-right-color : blue;

in fact, with FireFox (or it might have been Opera) you should break out your border assignments into the 3 parts since it has troubles with:

border : 1 solid black;

You have to use:

border-style : solid;
border-color : black;
border-width : 1;

besides, this is more readable anyway.
Jim Hunter
Thursday, June 16, 2005

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