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Add a horizon title bar before the header row


Is it possible to add an extra title bar to the grid? With the titlebar you can display a user description of what is displayed in the grid.
Also hide and show buttons can be placed on the titlebar. Drag the grid will also be possible. Displayed in that manner the user will find it somewhat like a window.

Thanx in advance
Wednesday, May 4, 2005
The simplest thing to do is simply to create your own HTML and then inject the grid where you want it to appear. With this technique, I've created grids that have multiiple headers with drop downs to filter on fields and paging at the bottom with additional option buttons. And its all HTML.
Wednesday, May 4, 2005
Hi Peter,

I was just thinking about such a solution at the moment I have already a grid (made on my own based on input select options in opensource project). See http://open-modeling.sourceforge.net. Click on the demo, choose from the tree, model browser and a leaf the current grid view is showing up.
Some difficulties with mine grid is dynamic (dont know the columns (width and names even the data types are coming from database).
I make the contextmenu with the new activewidget grid just like I made in the demo grid (currently make). Do you have contextmenu (to print, addd, delete etc)

Is it possible to share your code?

Wednesday, May 4, 2005

I did what you advice let the grid be the grid and add headers (titlebar draggable) and search filter above it. I did it by inserting dom objects to the placeholder of the grid. All objects has an DOM id based on the getid () of the grid. So multiple grids is possible and no complex HTML with a lot of extra <div on your page.

Thursday, May 12, 2005
Can i add A button to the colum header
Abdul rehman
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

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