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trigger an event after edit

how do you trigger an event after you change data in the table?

any help very much appreciated!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005
It is very similar than in 1.0, just create your own copy of the Input template with "My" prefix and add a line like this:

text.setEvent("onblur",function() {update.call(this);alert('EDITION-ENDED'); );

Waiting for 2.oB2 to post full codes, I suspect that Alex is going to make some changes ( posting now would create some contradiction or confusion).
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
There are two methods that you might try to attach an handler to:


Try each and I'll bet one of them will do what you want.
Jim Hunter
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Jim, those methods only trigger a selection changed (but not a data modification "edition") and are fired "always**" (even clicking on the same cell) so must be called onselectedEvent instead of Changed.

**Because are fired just in data-area not headers(row or col)/footers/scrollbars or outside the grid the changing-data-event (as far as I know) must be triggered into a template by:
1-Hardcoding the template itself with an custom event-procedure.
2-Calling a Object Action from the template.
So, sorry for the bad news but Anonymous and me are winning your (1beer is enough) bet. ... ;-)
(P.D. Not valid if Alex change this in 2.0b2)...;-)
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Sorry that my suggestions didn't work, I had not tried them that's why I wasn't too sure if they would work or not. I am confused, I don't know what your referrence to "1beer is enough" is? You might have me confused with someone else. I sign all my posts with my full name.
Jim Hunter
Thursday, October 27, 2005
I agree with part (someone is confused here) And Anonymous should sign his posts.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
Anyway nothing serious, just a small joke to your "bet" reference, sorry the inconveniences.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
My bad, didn't even see my own comment.
Jim Hunter
Thursday, October 27, 2005

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