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How doe sthis differ from the standard Grid?

I'm sure that this is RTFM, but I've R'ed the FM, and I'll be F'ed it I can see it anywhere.
Monday, November 21, 2005
If you are comparing the extended grid to the normal grid then I guess you haven't even looked at the sample Controls page. It shows 3 examples of grids and tells/shows you the difference. The extended grid says, and this is directly off of the sample page, "Extended Grid (fixed columns & footer): ". So I guess I am to conclude that you can have fixed columns and you can have footers in the exteneded grid.
Jim Hunter
Monday, November 21, 2005
Extended grid (AW.Grid.Extended) can have fixed columns (left and right), simple grid (AW.UI.Grid) cannot have any.

Extended grid can have multiple header and footer rows, simple grid can have only one header and footer row.

The rendering speed of simple grid is ~40% better (which is the main reason why I decided to keep it as a separate class) and it is a lot more simple internally (no extra index for the left/middle/right panel).
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Monday, November 21, 2005
Many thanks to both respondents. And Jim is right - I haven't found the sample Controls page. I've been through the documentation tree ta the right, and even tried Google. Can you give me the URL?

I guess that makes me a newbie.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
The samples are in the downloaded file. When it unzips to your directory there will be a whole directory structure and there are two directories that have samples in them. I suggest looking at all the examples in both of the directories (examples & quickref).

Jim Hunter
Monday, November 28, 2005
All becomes clear. Many thanks.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
I'm curious what the extended grid doesn't have that the basic grid does have, since when I replace AW.UI.Grid with AW.Grid.Extended in my code, everything breaks like the extended grid doesn't recognize any of the methods that the basic grid has.
Saturday, February 25, 2006
My bad! I was trying to instantiate an AW.Grid.Extended without using the "new" keyword. D'OH! I see the extended grid now in all it's glory. I was blind, but now I see.
Saturday, February 25, 2006

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