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Firefox displays small grey box, ie works fine.

Any ideas why this won't reder in firefox 1.07, no js messages.

<style> body, html {margin:0px; padding: 0px; overflow: hidden;} </style>

<!-- ActiveWidgets stylesheet and scripts -->
<link href="./grid.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ></link>
<script src="./grid.js"></script>

<!-- grid format -->
.active-controls-grid {width: 400; height: 200; font: menu;}

.active-column-1 {width: 100; text-align: left;}

.active-column-2 {width: 100; text-align: right;}

.active-column-3 {width: 150; text-align: left;}

.active-grid-column {border-right: 1px solid threedlightshadow;}
.active-grid-row {border-bottom: 1px solid threedlightshadow;}

<!-- grid data -->
var myData = [

[ "kx1", "1","1","2005-09-09 14:32:16.0"],
[ "kx2", "2","2","2005-09-09 13:32:04.0"],
[ "kx3", "3","3","2005-09-14 12:30:02.0"],
[ "kx79", "5","79","2005-09-15 15:32:26.0"],
[ "kx80", "5","80","2005-09-15 14:12:39.0"],
[ "kx81", "5","81","2005-09-15 11:17:19.0"]

var myColumns = [ "Key", "Subject Id", "Test Id", "TestStartTime" ];


// create ActiveWidgets Grid javascript object
var obj = new Active.Controls.Grid;

// set number of rows/columns
obj.setRowProperty("count", 81);
obj.setColumnProperty("count", 4);

// alternating row colors
var alternate = function(){
return this.getRowProperty("order") % 2 ? "#FFFFFF" : "#FCFAF6";

var row = new Active.Templates.Row;
row.setStyle("background", alternate);
obj.setTemplate("row", row);

// provide cells and headers text
obj.setDataProperty("text", function(i, j){return myData[i][j]});
obj.setColumnProperty("text", function(i){return myColumns[i]});

// set headers width/height

// Multi select
obj.setSelectionProperty("multiple", true);
obj.setAction("selectRow", obj.getAction("selectMultipleRows"));
obj.setAction("selectRangeOfRows", null);

// define action handler
var message = function(){
var myValues = this.getSelectionProperty("values");
var myResult = "";
for(i=0; i<myValues.length; i++) {
if(myResult == "")
myResult = myData[myValues[i]][0];
myResult += "," + myData[myValues[i]][0];
window.status = myResult;

// assign action handler to grid
obj.setAction("selectionChanged", message);

// write grid html to the page

Dale Fraser
Monday, November 28, 2005

Just realised that I hadn't copied the geko.xml file over.
Dale Fraser
Tuesday, November 29, 2005

This topic is archived.

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