var obj = new AW.Templates.CheckBox;
clone | Creates an object clone. |
element | Returns the reference to the HTML element. |
getAttribute | Returns the value of the attribute. |
getClass | Returns the value of the CSS class. |
getContent | Returns the named HTML fragment. |
getEvent | Returns the HTML event handler. |
getId | Returns the unique ID of this object. |
getStyle | Returns the value of the CSS style attribute. |
getTag | Returns the HTML tag name. |
getTemplate | Returns the template. |
init | Initializes the object. |
mapModel | Redirects property requests. |
mapTemplate | Redirects template requests. |
raiseEvent | Raises AW control event. |
refresh | Updates the HTML element. |
refreshClasses | Updates the className attribute of the HTML element. |
setAttribute | Sets the value of the attribute. |
setClass | Sets the value of the CSS class. |
setContent | Adds the static HTML fragment to the object. |
setEvent | Assigns the HTML event handler. |
setId | Sets the unique ID for this object. |
setPosition | Sets element position (absolute). |
setSize | Sets element size. |
setStyle | Sets the value of the CSS style attribute. |
setTag | Sets the HTML tag name. |
setTemplate | Assigns the template. |
setTimeout | Calls the function after the specified delay. |
toString | Converts object to string. |