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Sorting Bug
There seems to be a bug regarding sorting and it goes like this... You click on column header 1 to sort on column 1, and lets say it takes 2 seconds to complete, so while the sorting is taking place, you click on another column header(lets say column 3...), the whole grid will go blank... >_< Anyway im using the extended grid ...
Am tinking of disabling interactions to the grid while sorting is taking place... anybody have any idea ?? Thanks in advanced
Lu_Bu @ Scandent
Friday, January 6, 2006
We're experiencing this issue as well.
We have a fairly large grid, so even with virtual mode on, sorting on a column takes ~3 seconds. If the user gets impatient (which they do) and clicks it again (or another column), the grid goes blank and the only way to get data back is to refresh the page.
I'd appreciate any suggestions for dealing with this.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
I suggest that you disable header clicks while the sort is taking place then re-enable it after the sort finishes. Sorry I don't have any code to show you, but if you can't figure it out post again and I'm sure someone can come up with the code for you.
Jim Hunter (www.FriendsOfAW.com)
Thursday, February 16, 2006
This seems to work:
function handleSortClick(event, index)
tasksTable.onHeaderClicked = function() { return true; }
tasksTable.onHeaderClicked = handleSortClick;
}, 0);
tasksTable.onHeaderClicked = handleSortClick;
Friday, February 17, 2006
This topic is archived.
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