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Flash and CSS
Hi i was just wondering if it is possible to add a .swf banner to css, if so how please
Monday, January 9, 2006
You are going to find that there is a HUGE bug with Flash that will get in the way of using it for a header. Any FLash animation will ALWAYS be on top in IE. It is near impossible to hide it. It floats over everything else on the page. So if it were inside a column heading and you scrolled the colum out of view, the Flash animation would stay visible and would now float above other items on your page. Not a very pleasing visual effect. In my opinion, Flash is only good for static web pages that are not too complicated. If anyone has found a way aroudn this I would love to hear it. We have basically told our users that they can use almost anything in our app except Flash since our app has floating windows and the Flash animation always shows on top of our windows. I don't know if this is an issue with FireFox.
Jim Hunter
Monday, January 9, 2006
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