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Noticeable grid problems with Beta 4

When my AW.UI.GRID has scrolls


- Selected Row works
- When you scroll nothing happens (mouse wheel,grab scroll,arrows) nothing
- Seems to refresh when you move the scroll down, scroll position stays, but as per the results above, nothing happens no rows are moved.

Firefox 1.5

- Selected Row not working at all
- When you scroll, the rows move but that darn refresh brings the grid back to the top.

Netscape 7.1

- Entire grid is no longer present as per beta 4

I have a link as the code is getting quite beefy.
Monday, January 23, 2006
Hmmm. Selected Row looks like it's intermittent in Firefox. Sometimes it works, but gets stuck on the row selected. This one has me. It has to be something in beta 4 because beta3 was stable as far as the row selection goes.
Monday, January 23, 2006
If you resize the column in Firefox 1.5 the row selector starts working.
Monday, January 23, 2006
I am having a problem with this in IE too. When I update a grid with new data I am not longer able to highlight a row. The select event works though.
Monday, January 23, 2006

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