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xp SP2 issue for restricted domain users
Hi to All,
I have been looking at using the grid and other controls in commercial web based application. Unfortunately all of our clients seem to still be using IE6, with most of them on Win XP SP2. As they are users in sometimes large companies their systems are probably going to be restrcited so they cannot get to their internet options as part of their domain security.
Is there any way at all that I can modify these controls to prevent the stupid security warnings of SP2 being presented as because most of our clients being not technical in the understanding of active X and active scripting would not tolerate these warning.
If there is a workaround for this issue, I would love to implement these controls in our application as they really are great.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
What exact warnings are talking about? Most of the settings in IE are to allow Active Scripting and if they are not set correctly the grid doesn't show up at all. So what are you seeing that shows a warning and still shows the grid?
Jim Hunter
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Hi Jim,
Am seeing the the IE browser warning at the top of the page saying some active x or scripting object may not be safe. Its the tool bar that when you click it you can choose allow to allow this scripting to run. When you do this the page refreshed and the content is shown.
Annoyingly, 1 XP machine is showing this and the other is not.
This warning is 1 of the new features (Laughs!!) which was implementated on SP2.
Is this simply a live with it scenario?
Thanks for the response
Friday, January 27, 2006
Are you opening the file from the menu, or does it have the drive letter in the address bar? I got that when I did it that way, but if you open through web page running on a server it did not do it.
Friday, January 27, 2006
It is something new to SP2. They set the Active Scripting flag to Disable by default once SP2 is installed. And it didn't matter what it was set to before the upgrade. The setting is in the Security tab under Custome Level/Scripting. Set it to Enabled and you will have no problems. This is not something your web page can do, it has to be done by each and every freaking user. I just love M$!!!!
Jim Hunter
Friday, January 27, 2006
The weird part is, I don't see what you are refering to Jim. The only thing I see is allow my computer to run "active content" from CD, and from files on the computer. I don't see anything regarding "active scripting". I have 2 XP SP2 installs, none of which I have ever touch the advanced settings. And it works just fine when you run it in the browser calling a URL. But if you run from a local file, or CD, that is when I get those messages.
Friday, January 27, 2006
Hi Jim and all,
Have been having a play with this and am getting more and more confused.
I have created a page called test.htm which contains 2 grids. When I open this from my desktop IE6 comes up with this warning. If I upload to my webspace and access it via my https site it does not provide a warning.
This is good news as my application all runs over SSL, but just a bit nervous that M$ may change their security popups on this. Not that I am implying that M$ change their minds or have oversights of course (LOL!)
Seriously though does anyone know why this is happening??
Message on browser when running from local: "To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content that coul access your computer. Click here for options...".
If you click the bar at the top your options are "Allow blocked Content" and "Whats the risk". If I click the "Allow blocked content" the page reloads and the grids are diaplayed.
ps. thanks for everyone's help so far on this.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Hi Tony,
The scripting section Jim referrs to is in the security tab of internet options when you clikc custom level.
Sunday, January 29, 2006
I'm fairly certain that this is only an issue when JavaScript is run directly from a file.
If that same file is put below the web server and referred with http then the warning doesn't display.
Karl Thoroddsen
Monday, January 30, 2006
Karl is correct. The content the M$ is blocking is from your local drive. Once the files are uploaded to a web server the warning goes away. But if you don't want to see the warning when you are testing, then you need to make the change in the Security tab. Once that change is made you can run local files without the warning.
Jim Hunter
Monday, January 30, 2006
Thats excellent, evaluation can continue.
Many thanks for all your help
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
This topic is archived.
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