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Grid does not work in HTA
As the browsercheck for IE is based on a check whether window.external exists, the function returns an empty value for the used browser in HTA-applications.
In HTA's window.external is not available, so this check should be redefined.
Wim Zoet
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Very odd, I did a File Open from IE 6 and did get some errors but the page did display. Granted, it wasn't useable but I was expecting nothing to display. It does need some attention in this regard but I don't think this is a high priority item as almost noone uses HTA. I suggest using a standard HTM and display it full screen (F11 mode). You will get almost the same result and it will work just fine. The F11 mode is how we run our application after looking into HTA and ruling it out. One of deciding factors on ruling it out was that we wanted cross browser support and HTA is IE only.
Jim Hunter
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Wim, thank you for the hint - I always had a feeling that window.external is not a good choice. I will replace it with something else.
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Thursday, January 26, 2006
I am using HTA, and not being able to fill the grid with JS Array.. so... Goodbye to this wonderful world of AW.. (after all the transformation of my classic html pages to AW.. 48 pages.. and a JS layer that I made for easy use of AW objects.. Jim Hunter, first (yes, FIRST) comment from you that I don't approve.. )
Thanks for your great job Alex.. But I am very demoralized..
Friday, January 27, 2006
IMHO, HTA sucks! Why you say, because it decapitates you to using IE. Which is a BAD agenda! Regardless if you leave AW because of HTA incompatibilities, what are your benefits to using HTA over a standard web based solution? I am really curious what compels companies to chose this route as it seems to pigeon hold one to M$
Friday, January 27, 2006
Sorry for my hastiness to blame this marvellous OOP approach and Alex's great job.. My little stupid error made me so tired that I sent previous message.. (unnecessary and unjust message..) That was my fault neither Alex's product nor HTA.. Briefly, I am continuing to be in this miracle world.. AW world..
Tony, if it will be interesting for you, I can write something about HTA.. Not to commend it, don't be troubled about please.. (I am sharing totally same opinion with you). But HTA has some capabilities that we can't make light of..
Sorry for my English..
Friday, January 27, 2006
It was FC..
Friday, January 27, 2006
If you know any good links (I have found few good ones) to explainations and benefits to using HTA that would suffice. No need to write an article, but maybe explain your uses and maybe I can understand where you are coming from better. For my uses, I only have web application which need to be supported universally, so HTA for me, is out of the question.
Friday, January 27, 2006
I didn't mean to offend anyone. I was just pointing out the results of our study. we looked into using HTA when we started our project and quickly concluded that it just wasn't going to be the solutions for us. And one of the huge reasons we didn't choose it was because it was IE only. Our clients (this is not an in-house application, it is used all over the world) demanded that we support as many browsers as we could. There were some other issues that we found but I don't rmember them all, the study was done a few years ago. Cross browser support was something that was very important to our company. If it isn't important to yours then HTA might be your solution.
On a side note, over the weekend I was at a developer conference and saw an awesome presentation on some new .NET 2.0 stuff that M$ has and was entranced by what it could do. I was all excited about it and wanted to go home and start learning it when I was told at the end of the session that it ONLY WORKED IN IE! I was crushed! I saw it as yet another way for M$ to keep everyone using thier products. And since it is not cross browser capable, I am not even going to learn it as I have no use it limiting the number of people that can view my sites.
So sorry if I offended you, it was not intentional.
Jim Hunter
Friday, January 27, 2006
I have chaged IE detection from window.external to document.recalc in 2.0RC1 - should work in HTAs now.
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Thursday, February 2, 2006
greatly appreciated Alex..
Thursday, February 2, 2006
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