// gridasGridObj is a pointer to the grid Object
var addSpace = [6, 12];
var subCaption = ["traraa", "tureloo","düdeldei","ham","egg"];
function addSpacer(){ // this function onload
var id = gridasGridObj.getId();
for(var i=0; i<addSpace.length; i++){
var ptr= document.getElementById(id+".left.item:"+addSpace[i]);
var iX = document.createElement("DIV");
iX.style.height = ptr.offsetHeight;
ptr.parentNode.insertBefore(iX, ptr); // add space at the rowIndex
var ptr= document.getElementById(id+".data.item:"+addSpace[i]);
var newRow = ptr.parentNode.insertBefore( ptr.cloneNode(true), ptr); //copy the row below - dont't try to clone the titlerow!!!
for(var i=0; i<subCaption.length; i++){
newRow.childNodes[i].innerHTML = subCaption[i];
newRow.childNodes[i].className = newRow.childNodes[i].className + " holly";
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