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HTTP.Request problem
I try to get data (plain text) with AW.HTTP.Request from a database, but every time I get different amount of text.
req.response = function(data){
aDiv.innerHTML = data;
Can anyone tell how to fix this?
Monday, February 20, 2006
What is this "different amount of text" you are refering to?
Monday, February 20, 2006
I don't get the whole text. The end is missing.
I took a 35KB text file, and placed it's content in the database. Then I ask for the same row for a few times. Some times what I got it vas only 20KB, and a few time I got it all.
I use mySql and PHP at the server side.
PS. Excuse my english.
Monday, February 20, 2006
I don't know where was the problem yesterday, but now (without any change) seams to work fine.
Thanks anyway for the interest.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Were you using ASYNC method? Perhaps it was not finished or there was some type of network latency.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
How can i call struts action using AW.HTTP.Request .
Please help me in this regard.
Vikramaditya Garg
Monday, May 1, 2006
This topic is archived.
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