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How to sum the third column and put the summary into footer?

How should I sum the third column and put the summary into the footer row's 3rd column?
Plus, is the AW grid have the the function that as long as I assign
the column indexes, then the grid sum the columns and put the results
into footer?

Tuesday, February 21, 2006
The grid is a data gird, not a spreadsheet. Any calculations that need to be done have to be programmed by you. You are going to not only sum everything up initially, you are alos going to have to monitor any cell changes and then re-calculate the totals when the cell changes are done.
Jim Hunter (www.FriendsOfAW.com)
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
While your library is nice from a display perspective, it does not complete with the .NET grids like Janus, etc for doing more advanced calculations which IS a grid. The control would be more properly named a Listview if you do not want devs to assume functionality within.

Dave Friedel
Wednesday, March 1, 2006
I just loaded up Visual Studio 2005 and dropped a GridView control onto my page (keep in mind this is a data grid in .NET that M$ provides in it's latest and greatest product) and there are no methods to calculate totals on rows, no calculations of any kind. The AW gird has almost the exact same features as the M$ .NET GridView control. No matter what you do in life, there is always going to be someone or something that is better then you are. That doesn't mean that your life has no purpose or that your product should not be sold. Sure, the Janus grid might do more, but it is .NET and not a cross platform Javascript grid. You are comparing apples to oranges. I bet if you surveyed the owners of this toolkit, that there are less then 5 that are running their web server on .NET. So that means that no matter how great Janus is, it is not a solution for most of the target audience of AW.

I just looked up the Janus grid and it's an ASP.NET control that will allow most browsers to view the grid (the .NET control will most likely by IE 5.5 and above only)! For a single developer it costs $449.

I think the AW grid is just fine.
Jim Hunter (www.FriendsOfAW.com)
Wednesday, March 1, 2006
Thursday, March 2, 2006
I agree with Jim. With AW you have a full collection of events where you can insert your own code, so I see AW as a toolbox, not as a product. With a toolbox you can get anything done, but you have to do it.

That's the very reason why we need good documentation of AW, because we need to understand what every "tool" in AW does and then think how to integrate.

I think AW has a long learning curve that is not so evident until you try to code with it. I like AW. But for being a licensed product it has some Open Source'd tools shotcomings: lack of good documentation.

So with AW you pay and you get a good solution and an extra problem.

joakinen (Spain)
Friday, March 3, 2006
As one of the 5% that use ASP .Net for their webserver, let me tell you that we've looked at both grids and have decided to go with the AW grid. Frankly, it is more flexible and we feel actually has more built-in functionality. The selling point for us though is that there is an awesome bulletin board that answers every question imaginable, and if you do have something that isn't there, Alex gets back to you immediately. We are very impressed with this product.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006

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