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Input text - onFocus/Select
Hi everybody,
I use input text to do my editable grid. For example:
var myData =
["<b>Ingresso</b>","<input type='text' id='myInput' name='Input1' value='0' size='5' maxlength='7' tabindex='1' style='text-align:right' onFocus='this.select;'>"]
but select doesn't work (onFocus event), somebody knows how i solve this problem ?
Friday, February 24, 2006
1st, the "this.select" is not a function that the script can do something with. 2nd, each input must be unique for each row. 3rd, this.select is not what contains a value, this.select does.
"<input type='text' id='myInput" + rowcounter + "' name='Input" + rowcounter + "' value='0' size='5' maxlength='7' tabindex='1' style='text-align:right' onFocus='myInoutFunc(this.name,this.value)'>"]
the value of rowcounter is whatever you are using to count the rows that you build up the array with. The control then has a unique name, or you can sent the row count of the row being sent, and the this.value is the actual value of the control being sent.
Friday, February 24, 2006
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