ActiveWidgets Grid 1.0.1 (Free Edition).
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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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(at your option) any later version.
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Active.Formats.Date = Active.System.Format.subclass();
Active.Formats.Date.create = function(){
Date formatting class.
var obj = this.prototype;
obj.date = new Date();
obj.digits = [];
obj.shortMonths = ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"];
obj.longMonths = ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"];
obj.shortWeekdays = ["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"];
obj.longWeekdays = ["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"];
for(var i=0; i<100; i++){obj.digits[i] = i<10 ? "0" + i : "" + i}
var tokens = {
"hh" : "this.digits[this.date.getUTCHours()]",
":mm" : "':'+this.digits[this.date.getUTCMinutes()]",
"mm:" : "this.digits[this.date.getUTCMinutes()]+':'",
"ss" : "this.digits[this.date.getUTCSeconds()]",
"dddd" : "this.longWeekdays[this.date.getUTCDay()]",
"ddd" : "this.shortWeekdays[this.date.getUTCDay()]",
"dd" : "this.digits[this.date.getUTCDate()]",
"d" : "this.date.getUTCDate()",
"mmmm" : "this.longMonths[this.date.getUTCMonth()]",
"mmm" : "this.shortMonths[this.date.getUTCMonth()]",
"mm" : "this.digits[this.date.getUTCMonth()+1]",
"m" : "(this.date.getUTCMonth()+1)",
"yyyy" : "this.date.getUTCFullYear()",
"yy" : "this.digits[this.date.getUTCFullYear()%100]" };
var match = "";
for(i in tokens){
if (typeof(i) == "string"){
match += "|" + i;
var re = new RegExp(match.replace("|", "(")+")", "gi");
Allows to specify the format for the text output.
@param format (String) Format pattern.
obj.setTextFormat = function(format){
format = format.replace(re, function(i){return "'+" + tokens[i.toLowerCase()] + "+'"});
format = "if (isNaN(value) || (value === this._valueError)) return this._textError;" +
"this.date.setTime(value + this._textTimezoneOffset);" +
("return '" + format + "'").replace(/(''\+|\+'')/g, "");
this.valueToText = new Function("value", format);
var xmlExpr = /^(....).(..).(..).(..).(..).(..)........(...).(..)/;
var xmlOut = "$1/$2/$3 $4:$5:$6 GMT$7$8";
var auto = function(data){
var value = Date.parse(data + this._dataTimezoneCode);
return isNaN(value) ? this._valueError : value;
var RFC822 = function(data){
var value = Date.parse(data);
return isNaN(value) ? this._valueError : value;
var ISO8061 = function(data){
var value = Date.parse(data.replace(xmlExpr, xmlOut));
return isNaN(value) ? this._valueError : value;
Allows to specify the wire format for data input.
@param format (String) Format pattern.
obj.setDataFormat = function(format){
if (format == "RFC822") {
this.dataToValue = RFC822;
else if (format == "ISO8061") {
this.dataToValue = ISO8061;
else {
this.dataToValue = auto;
Allows to specify the timezone used for the text output.
@param value (Number) Timezone offset.
obj.setTextTimezone = function(value){
this._textTimezoneOffset = value;
Allows to specify the timezone used for the data input.
@param value (Number) Timezone offset.
obj.setDataTimezone = function(value){
if (!value) {
this._dataTimezoneCode = " GMT";
else {
this._dataTimezoneCode = " GMT" +
(value>0 ? "+" : "-") +
this.digits[Math.floor(Math.abs(value/3600000))] +
var localTimezone = - obj.date.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000;
obj.setTextFormat("d mmm yy");
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<script src="../../../source/lib/grid.js"></script>
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