// need this ini_set(); line **ONLY** if you have to manually install PEAR DB in
// your own space, on your Providers server, (**usually not needed!!!)
// Use 'echo dirname(__FILE__);' to find your_dir path... THEN:
//** ini_set("include_path", 'D:\inetpub\your_dir\PEAR' . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get("include_path"));
// include the PEAR DB abstraction layer
// ************************************************************************
// *** NEED EDIT ONLY these lines below to make work for most ANY table ***
// *** ALSO BE SURE TO SET THE LINKS to aw.js and aw.css in the HTML below!!!
// The data source and the Query.
//$dsn = "odbc:///Subscribers"; // Access DB with DSN on local machine NO pass.
$dsn = "mysql://root:rootPASS@localhost/test"; //mySQL root and rootpass on localhost.
$tableName = "libSubscription"; // Table name for Read and Update query
$Record_Ident = "Unique_ID"; // Field name of your DB RECORD UNIQUE ID! (for Update Query)
$ColNum_of_UniqueID = 0; // Column No. in 'myCells' 2D array - contains Unique Record ID for data.
$sql = "SELECT * FROM $tableName"; // The GET DATA query.
// *** END - NEED EDIT ONLY these lines above to make work for most ANY table ***
// ************************************************************************
// Connect to DB via DSN set above.
$conn = DB::connect($dsn); // Connect with PEAR DB abstraction layer...
if (DB::isError($conn)) { // Error or a valid connection?
die ("<p/><b>Attempted DB: <i>".$dsn."</i> Connection - </b>". $conn->getMessage()
."\n<p/><i><b>Details:</b> ".$conn->getUserInfo()."</i>" );
// output anyDB query results as 2D javascript array
function aw_cells($dataset){
$rows = array();
while ( $record = $dataset->fetchRow() ) {
$cols = array();
foreach ($record as $value) {
$cols[] = '"'.addslashes($value).'"';
$rows[] = "\t[".implode(",", $cols)."]";
echo "[\n".implode(",\n",$rows)."\n];\n";
// output anyDB field names as javascript array
function aw_headers($dataset){
$field = $dataset->fetchRow(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC,0);
foreach ($field as $fieldName=>$value) {
$cols[] = '"'.addslashes($fieldName).'"';
echo "[".implode(",",$cols)."];\n";
// ******************************************************************************************
// normally these two sections of IF statement would be two PHP pages. One for display one for UPDATE DB.
// **** **** ****
if(!$_POST['fieldName']) { // if NOT data update request, Just display grid.
// ** START HERE to display grid ********************************************
$dataset = $conn->query($sql); // Execute the query!
if (DB::isError($dataset)) { // Error or a valid query?
die ("<br><b>Attempted DB Query: <i>\"".$sql."\"</i> - </b>". $dataset->getMessage()
."\n<p/><i><b>Details:</b> ".$dataset->getUserInfo()."</i>" );
<!-- include AW stylesheet and script !!!SET links FOR YOUR SITE!!! -->
<link href="runtime/styles/xp/aw.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ></link>
<script src="runtime/lib/aw.js"></script>
.aw-column-0 {width: 35px; background-color: gray;}
.aw-column-1 {width: 20px;}
.aw-column-3 {width: 55px; text-align: right;}
.aw-column-4 {width: 10px; text-aligh: center;}
// insert javascript arrays produced by PHP functions
var myCells = <?= aw_cells($dataset) ?>
var myHeaders = <?= aw_headers($dataset) ?> //Do after myCells array to avoid missing first record.
// create grid
var obj = new AW.UI.Grid;
// set grid text
// set number of columns/rows
obj.setSize(650, 200);
// Which columns to Show? this leaves off 0..(possibly not showing the Unique Record ID)
// make cells editable
// if you show the Unique Record ID then surely my must make it unEDITABLE!!!!
obj.setCellEditable(false, <?= $ColNum_of_UniqueID ?>);// disable editing for record ID, NEVER edit UNIQUE RECORD ID
// write grid to the page
// when cell changed, do all necessary things with new entry, validate, send off, process return.
obj.onCellValidated = function(text, column, row){
var r = new AW.HTTP.Request;
r.setURL("<?= $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>");
r.setParameter("fieldName", myHeaders[column]); // field name from DB.
r.setParameter("RecordID", myCells[row][<?= $ColNum_of_UniqueID ?>]); // Unique_ID col Num
r.setParameter("newText", text);
r.response = function(data){
// alert(data); // process response data
newWin = window.open("","successWin","height=200,width=400,resizable,scrollbars");
// ******************************************************************************************
} else { // ** START POST Request to UPDATE the data!!! (normally in seperate PHP file.) (e.g., updateSingelCell.php)
// This is the entire code to update the DB. You could just as easily send the original cell data as well
// and allow user to Accept new or Revert to old...
// if POST request, get field Name, New value and Unique ID for UPDATE sql.
$fieldName = $_POST["fieldName"];
$newText = $_POST["newText"];
$PostedRecordID = $_POST["RecordID"];
// The Update query.
$sqlUpdate = "UPDATE $tableName
SET $fieldName = '$newText'
WHERE ($Record_Ident = $PostedRecordID)
$dataset = $conn->query($sqlUpdate); // Execute the Update query!
if (DB::isError($dataset)) { // Error or a valid query?
die ("<html><body bgcolor='red'><p/><b>Attempted DB Query: <i>\"".$sqlUpdate."\"</i> - </b>". $dataset->getMessage()
."\n<p/><i><b>Details:</b> ".$dataset->getUserInfo()."</i></body></html>" );
echo "<html><body bgcolor='lightblue'><p/> *** You have made the following change:
<br/><i>New Text:</i> <b>$newText</b><br/><b>IN:</b>
<br/><i>Field Name:</i> <b>$fieldName</B>
<br/><i>Record Unique ID:</i> <b>$UniqueId</b><br/><b>USING:</b>
} ?>
This topic is archived.