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getting cell links from AW.XML.Table

Since my cell data comes from an AW.XML.Table request to the server, I need the cell link data to do so also.

There are plenty of examples of using a static jscript array and something like:

reportGrid.setCellLink(function(c, r){ return reportLinks[r][c]; }, 0);

for example to set all of the links for column 0.

But I really want that data to come from the server directly.

Anyone have ideas on how to do that?

Monday, March 20, 2006

Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Hey Gary, I'm not sure if what I'm doing would help you ... but if it does, let me know and I can post a link for you so you can look at hte source of how I'm doing it.

I have an XML data source. In it, I have 33 columns (but I'm only use 14 columns in the grid). There are 5 columns where I have to convert the data provided in the XML source into links - and, to boot, those links have to be displayed as images.

With the help of another AW User, (ok, he pretty much gave me the code), I'm using this:

return "<a target='_new' href='http://www.domain.com/isa/"+ this.getCellValue(16,row) + "'><img border='0' src='http://www.domain.com/images/"+ this.getCellValue(21,row) + ".gif'></a>"

Here is what it is doing:
It is the cell value of column 16 (which is a PDF filename - carl.pdf) and adding the URL to the front of it. Then, it is taking the value from column 12 (which is a status code of "green" "red" "yellow"), adding the image url infront of that and adding ".gif" to the end.

What I get in the grid is a GREEN.GIf image that when clicked on launches the carl.pdf in a new window.

Because I'm leaving it as "celltext" and not using the link template, I can build the code anyway I need - my needs was for a particular column in the grid to have upto 2 different links in it.

If you'd like to see a function example of my grid, let me know. I can give you a URL.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006

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