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Any one buying this Widget

I was wondering if any one has started using 2.0 in production. I have the pressure to finalize the evaluation of the Grid widget and start using it for production. My team has already invested 2 months of their time in beta and so far we like it but hesistant to buy it as there are few bugs.
Raj Kamineni
Monday, April 3, 2006
As of today we have customers in 39 different countries. Based on emails/questions I assume that 50% are currently working with 2.0. I am not sure how many are actually in production.
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Monday, April 3, 2006
I'd buy it if Alex would fix the combo box in the grid for firefox.

Just a jabb at you Alex.

I have actually looked at it pretty extensively myself. It does not error and I still see no reason for it to fail to hide that popup.

Anyway, once that bug is fixed and I will finish my prototype we will be buying and it will be in production within a week.
Wednesday, April 5, 2006
We bought it, version 1 is currently in full production and as we speak we're implementing version 2 in our new framework. The only thing I don't like is that CSV table can't have row header/footers, trying to go around that by looking at different options.

We're extactic with this grid component, included with our framework and customized AJAX components, it saves us at LEAST 60% time in coding and layout
Wednesday, April 5, 2006
thanks for your responses.. we have already placed PO

Raj Kamineni
Wednesday, April 5, 2006
my company bought the versio 2.0 too, including in our frameworks, working fine.
Wednesday, April 5, 2006
Our company bought 2.0 as well.
Friday, April 7 our first production-level implementation goes live.

It's not an exhaustive use of the toolkit, but it saved me months worth of coding, testing, and implementation. Even had to give a demo last week that was incredibly well received.

Friday, if anyone wants to take a look, it is:

(right now, the print, excel export, and help buttons are missing, but that will be corrected by Thursday afternoon.
Print - works and generates a printable page of what the grid is showing
Excel - I have a bug but will be fixed by Thursday
Help - This will just open an HTML page on how to ue the grid. I still have to create it (grin)
Wednesday, April 5, 2006

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