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grid in grid. "Can't move focus to the control because it's invisible not enabled or of a type that does not accept focus
I am trying to implement grid in grid. I use one of the examples in forum.
I may have different innergrid for different rows. So I decide to create a AW.UI.Grid in all of the myData[row].innergrid object. Below is the code for displaying it.
gridobj.getRowTemplate(row).setContent('whatdoesthisdo', '<div style="position: absolute; left: 70; top: 20; width: 400; z-index: 1000000">'+myData[row].innergrid+'</div>');
When I expand the row, everything seems ok. but sometimes I lose the focus, and get the Error:
Can't move focus to the control because it's invisible not enabled or of a type that does not accept focus.
Then it is not possible to catch events like onCellTextChanged() in the innergrid..
Can anybody suggest a solution for that.. If I can solve that it will be a nice example for grid in grid. So please share your opinions, because I stuck up here.
Monday, April 17, 2006
I did not think of a possibility to put the grid inside another grid, so there might be problems related to focus handling. I would rather recommend for now trying to use a separate grid control and position it on top of the first one (like popup).
There is also grid-in-grid example on FriendsOfAW site.
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Thanks Alex..
I resolved the problem. As soon as I complete the grid in grid I will post it here...
to your recommendation, it is a good solution, however then there is a problem of scrolling..
Anyway, I think the best solution will be your treegrid. We are all waiting for it :)
Thursday, April 20, 2006
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