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var blocklist
function block()
var span = document.getElementsByTagName('span')
if (span == null || blocklist.length <= 0) return false
blocklist = blocklist.split(', ')
for (x=0; x<blocklist.length; x++)
for (i=0; i<span.length; i++)
if (span[i].className == "normalname" && span[i].innerHTML.toLowerCase().match(blocklist[x].toLowerCase()))
var tempid = span[i]
var found = 0
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var parenttable = tempid.parentNode
if (parenttable.tagName == "TABLE") var found = 1
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if (found == 0) return false
var div = parenttable.getElementsByTagName('div')
if (div == null) return false
var found2 = 0
for (b=0; b<div.length; b++)
if (div[b].className == "postcolor" && found2 != 1)
div[b].innerHTML = "<CENTER><FONT color='red'><B>Post Blocked</B></FONT><BR><A href='" + loc.substring(0,loc.indexOf('showtopic=')) + "act=UserCP&CODE=rblocker'>Manage Block List</A></CENTER>"
found2 = 1
else if (div[b].className == "postcolor" && found2 == 1) div[b].style.display = 'none'
function getlist()
var allcookies = document.cookie
if (allcookies == ""){ blocklist = ""; return false }
var pos = allcookies.indexOf("rblocker=")
if (pos == -1){ blocklist = ""; return false }
start = pos + 9
var end = allcookies.indexOf(";", start)
if (end == -1) end = allcookies.length
var value = allcookies.substring(start, end)
value = unescape(value)
blocklist = value
function setblocklist()
if (loc.match('act=UserCP&CODE=rblocker'))
var e = document.getElementById('ucpcontent')
e.innerHTML = "<div class='maintitle'>Welcome to your control panel </div>" + "<div class='pformstrip'>Reply-Blocker List</div>"
e.innerHTML += ("\n<div align='center'><p>" +
"\nType in the names of the users whose posts you want to block<BR>" +
"\n<b>Separate each name with a comma and a space (e.g. billy, bob, joe)</b><BR> <BR>" +
"\n<form name='rblockerpage'><textarea cols='65' rows='7' name='userlist' class='forminput'>" + blocklist + "</textarea><BR>" +
"\n<input type='button' value='Update Reply-Blocker' class='forminput' onClick='writecookie()'></form></p></div>")
var ucpsection = document.getElementById('ucpmenu').getElementsByTagName('P')
for (x=0; x<ucpsection.length; x++)
if (ucpsection[x].innerHTML.match("Change Password"))
ucpsection[x].innerHTML += "<BR>ยท <a href='" + loc.substring(0,loc.indexOf('act=')) + "act=UserCP&CODE=rblocker'>Set Reply-Blocker</a>"
function writecookie()
var exp = new Date()
exp.setFullYear(exp.getFullYear() + 1)
var val = document.rblockerpage.userlist.value
document.cookie = "rblocker=" + escape(val) + "; expires=" + exp.toGMTString()
window.location = loc
var loc = window.location.toString()
if (loc.match('showtopic=')) window.onload=block
else if (loc.match('act=UserCP') || loc.match('act=Msg')) window.onload=setblocklist
This topic is archived.