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cell bug?

When I try to get the value of a particular cell I get an error that says: Error: this._rows[r] has no properties

I don't think this is my doing but I could just be calling the wrong things. I know the grid is correct, and there is data because the first thing I do is display the grid. Before I get to the code, what I am doing here is uploading a CSV file, displaying the grid, then I am trying to pop up the data in 0,0. to see the data I am using the obj.getCellValue(0,0); function. Any ideas on how to fix this?

this gets the CSV file...
function csvGenerate(gridData) {
gridData - javascript object used to hold data needed by csvGenerate
gridData.headers - Holds all the header names
gridData.cols - Number of columns shown by the grid
gridData.css - cssAssociated with this particular grid
gridData.file - name of the CSV file
gridData.location - associated with the ID where the grid is supposed to be placed on the page

var csvData = new AW.CSV.Table;

csvData.setProperty("URL", gridData.file);

var obj = new AW.UI.Grid; //global grid object

return obj;


this opens the obj file, displays to screen then pops the data in 0,0
function validateData () {
var fileName = GLOBAL_UI_DIRECTORY+"test.txt";
alert (fileName);

var obj = csvGenerate(
headers: ["Last Name", "First Name", "Email Address", "Cell Number", "User Profile"],
cols: 5,
css: "myGrid",
file: fileName,
location: "gridBody"

var i = 0;

var test = $("gridBody");
test.innerHTML = obj;

alert (obj.getCellValue(0,0));

Help! thanks!
Joe C
Monday, May 8, 2006
oh...that test.txt file has 2 rows and 5 cols of data....and it does pop up the grid so it is getting the data correctly at that point
Joe C
Monday, May 8, 2006
OK....if I make my function look like this....i actually get data and not an error...
function validateData () {
var fileName = GLOBAL_UI_DIRECTORY+"test.txt";
alert (fileName);

var obj = csvGenerate(
headers: ["Last Name", "First Name", "Email Address", "Cell Number", "User Profile"],
cols: 5,
css: "myGrid",
file: fileName,
location: "gridBody"

var i = 0;

var test = $("gridBody");
test.innerHTML = obj;
alert ("ready to pop....");
alert (obj.getCellValue(0,0));

hmm....any ideas on this one?
Joe C
Monday, May 8, 2006
Ok, so the problem is more general then just popping things up. Take a look at this code here:
function validateData () {
var fileName = GLOBAL_UI_DIRECTORY+"test.txt";
var url = GLOBAL_SERVICES_URL+"addLpUser.php";

var obj = csvGenerate(
headers: ["Last Name", "First Name", "Email Address", "Cell Number", "User Profile"],
cols: 5,
css: "myGrid",
file: fileName,
location: "gridBody"

var test = $("gridBody");
var showLoc = $("saveButton");
test.innerHTML = obj;

var errCounter = -1;
var error = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < obj.getRowCount(); i++) {
var last = obj.getCellValue(0,i);
var first = obj.getCellValue(1,i);
var email = obj.getCellValue(2,i);
var cell = obj.getCellValue(3,i);
var phone = obj.getCellValue(4,i);
var params = "firstName="+first+"&lastName="+last+"&emailAddress"+email+"&cell="+cell+"&phone="+phone+"&validate=yes";

var myAjax = new Ajax.Request (
parameters: params,
asynchronous: false
var transport = myAjax.transport;
var respXML = transport.responseXML;
var status = getXMLStatus (respXML.getElementsByTagName("x"));

if (status[0] == 1) {
var message = "Line number "+(i+1)+" error: "+status[1]+"<br/>";
error[++errCounter] = message;


if (errCounter >= 0) {
alert ("Your Document Cannot be saved you have errors!");
for (var i = 0; i <= errCounter; i++) {
else {
alert ("Data ready for saving");


If I take that alert box OUT of my code....it doesn't work....at all
Joe C
Monday, May 8, 2006

this looks like a timing problem - you are trying to get cell value before the request had arrived. If you add


it should work.
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Monday, May 8, 2006
Hey Alex,
Nope...still the same problem. Here is the updated code I am working with:
function csvGenerate(gridData) {
gridData - javascript object used to hold data needed by csvGenerate
gridData.headers - Holds all the header names
gridData.cols - Number of columns shown by the grid
gridData.css - cssAssociated with this particular grid
gridData.file - name of the CSV file
gridData.location - associated with the ID where the grid is supposed to be placed on the page

var csvData = new AW.CSV.Table;

csvData.setProperty("URL", gridData.file);


var obj = new AW.UI.Grid;

return obj;


function validateData () {
var fileName = GLOBAL_UI_DIRECTORY+"test.txt";
var url = GLOBAL_SERVICES_URL+"addLpUser.php";

var obj = csvGenerate(
headers: ["Last Name", "First Name", "Email Address", "Cell Number", "User Profile"],
cols: 5,
css: "myGrid",
file: fileName,
location: "gridBody"

var test = $("gridBody");
var svbttn = "<input type='button' onclick='saveData();' value='Save this File'/><br/><br/>"
test.innerHTML =svbttn+ obj;

var errCounter = -1;
var error = new Array();
alert ("STILL NEEDED");
for (var i = 0; i < obj.getRowCount(); i++) {
var last = obj.getCellValue(0,i);
var first = obj.getCellValue(1,i);
var email = obj.getCellValue(2,i);
var cell = obj.getCellValue(3,i);
var phone = obj.getCellValue(4,i);
var params = "firstName="+first+"&lastName="+last+"&emailAddress="+email+"&cell="+cell+"&phone="+phone+"&validate=yes";

var myAjax = new Ajax.Request (
parameters: params,
asynchronous: false
var transport = myAjax.transport;
var respXML = transport.responseXML;
var status = getXMLStatus (respXML.getElementsByTagName("x"));

if (status[0] == 1) {
var message = "Line number "+(i+1)+" error: "+status[1]+"<br/>";
error[++errCounter] = message;


if (errCounter >= 0) {
alert ("Your Document Cannot be saved you have errors!");
for (var i = 0; i <= errCounter; i++) {


Thanks for your help with this
Joe C
Monday, May 8, 2006
Try calling setAsync(false) before request()
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Monday, May 8, 2006
If I put the setAsync before the request no data comes up. It builds the grid and fills it with blank data. For the XMLHTTPRequest I am using prototype.js....do you think there could be some strange interaction between AW and Prototype? I am going to switch over to a pure AW request and see if that fixes anything.
Joe C
Tuesday, May 9, 2006
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"> this fixed it...AW was looking at cached pages for some reason. So I put this in my HTML and it gets the newest dataset every time I make a change. I don't know if this is the BEST fix for it but it works so I am happy with it. Thanks Alex for your help with this.
Joe C
Tuesday, May 9, 2006

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