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Set Checkbox's initial state from XML
I want to set the initial state of a checkbox based on the XML response from the server. If an element's value is "ON" - i want the checkbox to be in the checked state. How do I do this - do i need to do a if-else type of thing or is there some property on the checkbox object that I can use to set that "ON" means "true" for this particular instance?
This checkbox i am using is not part of any grid.
I am using AW.UI.Checkbox.
Wednesday, June 7, 2006
Any help on this one?
Thursday, June 8, 2006
// add a checkbox to col 4
obj1.setCellTemplate(new AW.Templates.Checkbox, 4);
obj1.setCellValue(function(col, row){return data.getData(col,row)=="Yes" ? true : false}, 4);
// to get "checked" state put a function in cell text, which follows the checks and writes it back into the CELL!
obj1.setCellText(function(col, row){return this.getCellValue(col, row) ? "Yes" : "No"}, 4);
I hope this helps...the important part I had problems with was the setting inital state when the xml data was recieved. Use data.getData(col,row). data is my AW.XML.Table;
Thursday, June 29, 2006
This topic is archived.
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