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How do you use Grid?
Can I request everyone to contribute here and discuss about the typical use of 1.0 grid.
Sudhaker Raj
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
In my limited experience with grid, I used it mostly in these cases:-
Non-AJAX mode
1. Grid rows get filtered (show/hide) based on action on another grid or control.
2. Grid in editable mode with AJAX and dHTML based data submission.
3. Complex validation or computation logic based on hidden column (like data is Nx10 and header is only 1x7)
AJAX mode
1. Grid data rows get loaded based on action on another grid or control.
2. Row add / delete and batch update using AJAX
Other basic stuffs are pretty much possible using html-table and dHTML itself. For example sorting, alternate row color, etc.
Resizing of columns was not required in most of the cases.
I am doing this analysis to find out what we seek from taglib or jsf component (based on this grid). I was never able to finalize the balance between feature-set provided by (or expected from) taglib and left for custom programming.
Sudhaker Raj
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
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