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Mouse pointer over link in grid

I have a grid with 4 columns, the 4th column is a link. When I hover the mousepoint over the link, the mouse pointer turns to the cursor as if you were editing text. When I move it in between the rows on the column, it changes to a "hand". I would expect it to remain a "hand" when your mouse is over the link. Anyone else seen this or have any ideas how to resolve it?
Brandon Murphy
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Do you see the same problem with the examples on this page -

http://www.activewidgets.com/aw.ui.grid/cell-link.html ?

I cannot reproduce it. Could it be some rule in your stylesheets?
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Monday, September 4, 2006
I had been setting the style for the entire row with this statement:
gridObj.getRowTemplate().setClass("text", "wrap");
Followed by:
gridObj.setCellTemplate(new AW.Templates.Link, 3);

Apparently, setting the cell link template does not completely override the row template. Removing the row template and setting the columns individually solved the issue with the mouse pointer.
Brandon Murphy
Wednesday, September 6, 2006

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