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Highlight cell data/value on single click in editable grid cell
I have implemented the tab functionality on the editable grid cell.
At the moment, you need to select & delete the old data before you can edit the new.
Is there is any method like, once you single click or tab to the cell. The cell value/data automatically get highlighted so that the user input new value in and it will overwrite the previous data.
Alex, could you help me in this.
Sanjay Sharma
Friday, October 27, 2006
Alex, do you any how to tackle the issue or this functionality is still pending?
Sanjay Sharma
Friday, October 27, 2006
I think the grid does that by default. I have a such grid and works fine.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Alex, if this is a default feature then could you please let me know what is the defalut line of code.
I need this feature.
Please privide me some context.
Sanjay Sharma
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Actually, I need feature just like input control. Where in, when user just click or tab on the input box, whole text is getting highlighted.
Same feature I want in edit grid control to highlight text in the cell by tab or single click so that user can overright the value.
Alex, Please help me in this.
Sanjay Sharma
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
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