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set cell selection color
I have read through the forum posts and have been unable to find an answer to a problem I am having.
After selecting a cell, I am having trouble setting the background and foreground colors for that particular cell.
Is there an example out there that illustrates how to do this?
Glenn Leidy
Monday, August 9, 2004
I would also like to format the selected cell. Is there a way to do this through javascript?
Thursday, August 19, 2004
Anyone have a solution for this yet?
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
this should work - but not working :-( perhaps I'm missing something small.
obj.cellClicked = function(src){
var divStyleId = "div#" + this.getId() + ".data.item:" + src.getRowProperty("index") + ".item:" + src.getColumnProperty("index");
alert(src + "\n\n" + divStyleId);
this.styleSheet.addRule(divStyleId, "color: red!important");
obj.setAction("click", obj.cellClicked);
Sudhaker Raj
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
It appears the individual cells do not have an ID... that is why it is not working.
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
They do have... here is dump for a generated row :-(
<div id="grid1.data.item:1" class="active-templates-row active-grid-row active-list-item " style="background:#fff;" onclick="dispatch(event,this)" onmouseover="mouseover(this, 'active-row-highlight')" onmouseout="mouseout(this, 'active-row-highlight')">
<div id="grid1.data.item:1.item:0" class="active-templates-text active-row-cell active-grid-column active-list-item active-column-0 " onclick="dispatch(event,this)">
<div id="grid1.data.item:1.item:1" class="active-templates-text active-row-cell active-grid-column active-column-1 " onclick="dispatch(event,this)" onfocus="dispatch(event,this)">
Oracle Corporation</div>
<div id="grid1.data.item:1.item:2" class="active-templates-text active-row-cell active-grid-column active-column-2 " style="color:transparent;" onclick="dispatch(event,this)" onfocus="dispatch(event,this)">
<div id="grid1.data.item:1.item:3" class="active-templates-text active-row-cell active-grid-column active-column-3 " onclick="dispatch(event,this)" onfocus="dispatch(event,this)">
<div id="grid1.data.item:1.item:4" class="active-templates-text active-row-cell active-grid-column active-list-item active-column-4 " onclick="dispatch(event,this)">
I tried something like this also (with no luck)
/* third column of selected row(s) */
#grid1 active-selection-true active-column-2 {color: red!important;}
Sudhaker Raj
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
I wonder how to generate a dump of the in memory generated code; can you shortly explain how to get such a dump?
Thursday, March 24, 2005
I think this will dump that code:
image.setAction("click", function(src){
alert (src);
Saturday, April 23, 2005
Here is the code I use to set color of cell clicked
//initially set rowNo to -1 to indicate no click has happened
<input type="hidden" ID="RowNo" NAME="RowNo" value="-1">
<input type="hidden" ID="ColumnNo" NAME="ColumnNo">
//set cell selection to null because we are selecting a particular cell
obj.setAction("selectRow", null);
obj.cellClicked = function(src){
//change the selected cell color
//first need to reset the color of previously clicked cell
//id of current cell click
var divID=this.getId()+".data.item:"+row+".item:"+col;
//row and column of last clicked cell
var prevRow=document.getElementById('RowNo').value;
var prevCol=document.getElementById('ColumnNo').value;
//if row is not -1 :- reset the previous cell click color
if(prevRow != -1){
var divIDprevCell=this.getId()+".data.item:"+prevRow+".item:"+prevCol;
document.getElementById(divIDprevCell).style.background = "white";
//change current cell color to yellow
document.getElementById(divID).style.background = "yellow";
//Get the value of build
var BuildValue=myData[col][row];
if(row==0 || BuildValue==' '){
//store value of current cell clicked -it will be used in next click
// set click action handler
obj.setAction("click", obj.cellClicked);
Friday, February 3, 2006
PLease ignore the following lines of code from my previous reply. I just copied from my source file as it is
//Get the value of build
var BuildValue=myData[col][row];
if(row==0 || BuildValue==' '){
Friday, February 3, 2006
How would one do this on double click?
Neil Craig
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
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