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Regarding sorting

Hi Alex,
First of all THANK YOU and congrats for the fine working of your code for sorting in the version2.0 but there exists a Probs in ur code which i and my friend faced. The trial version is giving an message called "ACTIVE WIDGETS 2.0 Evaluating Version". Offcourse itsnt a bug or sme probs but if u can help me out to solve this probs it will be great ful for me.
ADVANCE THANKS FOR THE HELP( My ID is zeno_4u@yahoo.com)
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Sorry, what exactly is the problem?
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
HI Alex,
wen i am using the trial version of ur code for sorting the sorting is happening perfectly but wen am trying to refresh or click on any one of the column headers for thrice or more then am getting a message or a popup dispalying"ACTIVE WIDGETS 2.0 - Evaluating version". can u help me to take out this message(.i.e., i dont want this message to be displayes irrespective of number of time i click on any of the column headers or refresh the page any number of times.) Else if u can guide me becoz of which functionlity am getting this message("ACTIVE WIDGETS 2.0 - Evaluating version") nd any possible solution then it will be a lot of help to me PLZZZZZ
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
This message only appears in the evaluation (trial) version. The licensed version does not have it.

Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Hi Alex,
couldnt it be possible for me to eliminate or take out that message. Please help me out Da.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Yes, buy a licensed version here -


and replace aw.js and aw.css with the new files from the package.
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Hi Alex,
am implementing my final year project with the help of the grid provided by your trial version. Please couldnt it be possible for me to have an alternate since cost is totally out of my scope. Please help me out
Friday, February 9, 2007

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