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get an error if without trim()
i newbie in this TM.
i think it's better to add trim() to the $value to free from whitespace.
because i found error if i don't do that (my data in MySQl start/end with whitespace).
i Add this trim() like this:
foreach ($record as $value){
echo $cellSeparator."\"".$value."\"";
$cellSeparator = ",";
function from alex:
function aw_cells($dataset){
$recordSeparator = "";
echo "[\n";
while ($record = @mysql_fetch_array($dataset)) {
echo $recordSeparator;
$cellSeparator = "";
echo "\t[";
foreach ($record as $value){
echo $cellSeparator."\"".$value."\"";
$cellSeparator = ",";
echo "]";
$recordSeparator = ",\n";
echo "\n];\n";
Sunday, April 15, 2007
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