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None of the components auto adjust row height to smaller or bigger font sizes
I'm quite new to ActiveWidget. First I thought WOW, look perfect, and when you look inside the aw.js you can see it must have been real freaks that have done all that.
Now I just changed my windows settings for the menu font from the standard 8 point to 20 point and looked at the demo page: None of the components seem to auto adjust to the size of the font they are using. The row height stays fixed (guess there are constant values in the aw.css). It looks nearly the same in IE and in Firefox.
I want to make ActiveWidget auto adjust to whatever font sizes the user has configured in his operating system.
Any ideas how to do that?
Friday, May 11, 2007
I believe the controls should not change the size automatically depending on the page font size. However if you want to implement this behavior - it should be quite simple, just set the size of the control (or inner control elements) in 'em' units instead of 'px', for example -
#myInput {height: 3em}
#myGrid .aw-grid-row {height: 2em}
The only exception is the Button control in xp and aqua themes - it has fixed height because of the bitmap backgrounds.
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Monday, May 14, 2007
Hi Alex,
thanks for your answer.
Yes, is simple themes I at least have a chance to adjust the font size.
But I wanted to use the XP theme.
Do you -with a few changes- it's possible to use normal images (<img>) instead of background images, and position them underneath the control in a way they will stretch to whatever size the control has?
Friday, May 18, 2007
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