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Dragging from one grid to another
I am trying to drag a row from one grid to another? Is it possible?
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Interesting question, probably better answered by an AW developer. From what I seen so far it isn't, but would be easy to implement with minimal effort... if not, you can probably write your own function to do it...
something along these lines...
1. set onmousedown to parse up to see if event originated on a table row and store the row.
2. set onmouseup to see if it ended up on different table.
If 1 and 2 are true, remove remembered row from table 1 and insert it in table 2. Most difficult part in whole thing would be creating a "visual" representation of dragged row... but those are just theatrics, functionality would be pretty easy. Replace "table" with a "javascript array it references" if those tables are rerendered every time and trigger rerendering (if any).
Just 2 cents ..
Gene D.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
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