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Row selectors don't print in IE but do in Firefox

The row selectors at http://www.facilities.gatech.edu/active_widgets/spreadsheet.html don't print correctly in IE v6.0. Instead of showing the selector data they show an elipsis.

They print correctly in Firefox.

Is there a fix to print the selectors correctly in IE v6.0?


Chuck La Fleur
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
The grid adds selector width rules to the last stylesheet on the page. In your case the last stylesheet for IE has media="screen" attribute and the selector width does not apply to the printed page. As a workaround either remove media="screen" attribute or just add one more (empty) style block after the last one.
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Friday, May 25, 2007
Thanks Alex. I used the latter approach. -- Chuck
Chuck La Fleur
Friday, May 25, 2007

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