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Error Msg.
why do i get the following Js error:
"Active" is undefined
i have IE 5.5
Wednesday, September 8, 2004
this is thrown when the code your running cannot find location of grid.js
put an alert in the grid.js to make sure its finding it
Wednesday, September 8, 2004
Hi there,
This is odd bug. I found it couple of weeks ago and tought it was something to do with my IE (6.0).
Without any modifications it just stopped working in IE. With Mozilla, Firefox and Netscape it worked just fine. Actually it worked OK with all other IE's (also 6.0) in my LAN.
Now I placed that alert in grid.js and it started to work again. Even if I removed the alert away. It just needed a trigger.
I hope someone could fix this before it happens too often.
Wednesday, September 8, 2004
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