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Date Sorting in a grid

I am currently using Date as a string format in my grid, sorting obiously doesn't work as date. Is there any way I can sort this date column as date?
Friday, October 12, 2007
var str = new AW.Formats.String;
    var num = new AW.Formats.Number;
    var dat = new AW.Formats.Date;


you have to tell the grid in which column is what kind of data
in this example there is a Date in column-5
then the grid will sort it as a date
Markus Schostok, Germany
Monday, October 15, 2007
and for changing the style of a Date-Object....

date.setTextFormat("mmm d, yyyy");

more under
Markus Schostok, Germany
Monday, October 15, 2007

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