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Bug [AW 2.5.1] - Grid content disappears on resize (ie6, strict doctype)
There is a bug in AW 2.5.1 code which can result in grid content disappearing when either the grid or the grid column width changes (when the scrollbars state changes from hidden to visible). The problem can also happen during the grid initialization (when the grid is inside <table> tag and the resize event is triggered by the table size adjustment).
The bug affects only IE6 and standards-compliant mode ('strict') doctypes.
To fix the problem add the following CSS rules -
.aw-ie6.aw-strict .aw-bars-content {
width: expression(this.parentElement.clientWidth-AW.sx);
height: expression(this.parentElement.clientHeight-AW.sy);
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Thursday, July 3, 2008
This topic is archived.
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