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Showing Evaluation message even after downloading licensed zip file
I have been evaluating Activewidgets 2.5.1 (specially the Grid widget). It is pretty cool. I paid for the single developer license today and got an email to download the licensed version .
Even after I over-wrote the folder that held the evaluation copy with the one extracted from the zip file. the Evaluation message keeps popping up on the grid on my screens.
Could someone tell me what I need to do for this message to not show up. I am almost getting ready for a beta and don't want the end-user to see that we are using 'evaluation version'...
Please help.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
This might be because the old version is still in the cache somewhere. Try to clear your browser cache and possibly restart the web application/web server.
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Thanks, that worked.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
This topic is archived.
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