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Alter ROW Height
Can anyone please tell me how to alter the row height? There seems to be some major changes between versions and there are various conflicting ways to deal with this in the support forum.
Basically it seems the current WIDGET does not allow for individual rows to have different heights-- I found some old code (below) which didn't work, and also just tried both these commands:
Some of the data in my individual cells is quite long-- since I can't have some cells 60 px deep, and some 120 px deep, what I want to do is keep everything at say 60 px, however when I come upon a row/cell that has multiple lines of data in it, I will process the length of the string and if it's > 80 characters (or whatever magical number is where it scrolls), I will use the obj.onCellEditStarted function, see how long the text in the current cell is, and if it's > XX characters, alter the row template for the entire grid to 120 px (or whatever is needed so all the data shows up).
Once I am done editing the row (onCellValidated) Ill then revert the row_height back to the default 60px or whatever.
Any thoughts on this? It sounds doable, I'm likely just screwing up the syntax and the support forums were confusing the heck out of me.
---------------OLD CODE I found on the forum??----------
function rowNumber(){
return this.getRowProperty("index");
obj.getRowTemplate().setClass("row", rowNumber);
Dr. Dave
Monday, February 18, 2008
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