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Hourglass cursor while grid doing sorting

I am doing external sorting for grid and i want to show hourglass cursor while sorting happening.Sorting takes a few seconds but cursor changes to default immedately and data comes after a few seconds.

So i want to ask is the sorting happening asynchronously. Or is there any way to solve the problem.

Kamal Mittal[Fidelity Investments]
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Try using setTimeout() function to start sorting procedure.
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Thanx for reply.......
I think you are saying to put a delay by setTimeout function. But sorting time may vary for case to case(like no. of record to sort).

Can u tell me, internally or default behaviour of grid sorting. whether it is synchronous/asynchronous.

And if asynchronous can we make it synchronous.


Kamal Mittal[Fidelity Investment]
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

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