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New popup window using a function?

i'm using the following code to generate a link, but cant get the link to popup in a new window...

var myLinks = function(column, row){
return "www.activewidgets.com";

    obj.setCellLink(myLinks, 1);
    obj.setCellTemplate(new AW.Templates.Link, 1);

help? what do i need to add to make the link pop in a new window?

thanks!!! AW is incredible.
seattle wa
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Add target attribute to the link template -

var linkTemplate = new AW.Templates.Link;
linkTemplate.setAttribute("target", "_new");

var myLinks = function(column, row){
return "www.activewidgets.com";

obj.setCellLink(myLinks, 1);
obj.setCellTemplate(linkTemplate, 1);
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Thursday, March 13, 2008

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