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Several Problems
I have several problems.
When I do more big the width of a grid´s colum, the horizontral scroll bar appears (this is ok),but the content of the grid remains in white.
I have tried to change Virtual Mode (true/false), but it seems not to work.
I want to change the style of the cursor when (for example) my web applicaton is filtering the grid, I try the code below, but cursor don´t change.
It is necessary to make it otherwise when you use AW buttons?
I have tried this with a simple web page with two buttons (if you touch first button, the cursor takes the style "wait" and if you touch the other button, cursor takes the default style).
Why this not work in my application web.
btnFiltrar.onControlClicked = function(){
document.body.style.cursor = "wait";
.... // code to filter the grid
document.body.style.cursor = "default";
Which is the capacity of a cell from an AW.XML.Table?
I have a memo field in my database (access), but when I execute a query and put the result in an AW.XML.Table, it (the cell of the table) only contains 255 chars. of my memo field, if I execute the query from access it returns all the characters of the field.
I wait for your response. Thank´s
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Hi, I am also using a small workaround to solve the FIRST issue when resizing a grid:
It is related to Virtual renderig and data-show calculation on grid-size.
Note it could be also happening when ( make visible columns thinner by resize it's col-header-separator so new columns appear on the right side) or even for heigh change and rows , but for this case there is a code can be change to increase the 40 rows (20top + 20 bottom).
So it might be something similar for columns too. ?
I made you a sample demo for solve the first two issues , and for the THIRD , I guess you are using Get for request , and this is a GET command limitation ( that POST don't have), so if can't use POST , then search the web for a variety of solutions arround it ( including nested requests) ;-)
var obj = new AW.UI.Grid;
obj.setCellText(function(i,j){return j + '-' + i});
obj.setHeaderText(function(i){return 'header-'+ + i});
var button = new AW.UI.Button;
button.setControlText('Show data on empty columns')
button.onControlClicked = function(){
obj.setStyle('width', '800px' );
document.getElementById("MyGrid").style.cursor = "wait";
document.getElementById("MyGrid").style.cursor = "default";
Thursday, May 15, 2008
You should change cursor setting directly on the grid (not on the page level).
Does your XML response contain full text or only 255 chars?
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Thursday, May 15, 2008
This is what I do:
var tabla = new AW.XML.Table;
tabla.setParameter("Query", query);
tabla.setParameter("Connection", connection);
tabla.setParameter("Name", tabla);
The query obtains the memo field and if I do:
tabla.getData(0,0) =>it only returns 255 chars
It Is this what you ask me? If not, how can I consult the XML response
Friday, May 16, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
Open the request URL in InternetExplorer, save to the file and check the content in text editor.
Alex (ActiveWidgets)
Friday, May 16, 2008
Hi Alex,
I test my XML response, and it contains full text from my memo field
Monday, May 19, 2008
If the XML response contains full text, why can´t I write full text in my textarea?
Monday, May 19, 2008
Hi Alex,
I have solved my problem.I was doing a thing badly.
It turns out that I was trying to extract the text of my memo field from the data loaded in the grid, and not from the data loaded in the table.
Of this I can deduce that a cell of a grid only can contain 255 chars (not a full memo field), but a XML Table can contain full text in a memo field, no?
I expect to have explained good to me, I do not speak very much English
Monday, May 19, 2008
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