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adding a row in a sorted grid
The default behavior of the grid is to add a row at the end of the grid and scroll down to it. This does not fit the need to add a row in a sorted grid and to scroll to the newly inserted row.
I have changed the given example to sort the grid after adding a row but I am still missing how to scroll to a given row. SetScrollTop is expecting a value in pixel! Even if I get the nb of pixels by the line height (plus border?) I still would need to get the index of the row after sorting. Any clue?
obj.onRowAdded = function(row){
window.status = "Row added: " + row;
this.setCellText("new", 0, row);
var column = this.getSortColumn();
var direction= this.getSortDirection(column);
Philippe Marzin
Monday, October 13, 2008
check setRowPosition and setCurrentRow
Monday, October 13, 2008
It works perfectly. thanks.
this.setScrollTop( this.getRowPosition() * this.getRowHeight() );
Philippe Marzin
Monday, October 13, 2008
obj.onRowAdded = function(row){
window.status = "Row added: " + row;
this.setCellText("new", 0, row);
var column = this.getSortColumn();
var direction= this.getSortDirection(column);
var pos= this.getRowPosition(row);
var h= pos * this.getRowHeight();
this.setScrollTop( h );
Philippe Marzin
Monday, October 13, 2008
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